Corona case(69239) Increase like rocket India

in #coronavirus5 years ago

I know remembered when India had around 400 cases. Indian government implement fully lockdown in each state, City and Village.

Somehow if police see you outside. They will beat you like hell when case were around 400.

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Currently 1 Million Active Case in India and Government react like everything is normal. No social distancing, No security system to maintain rules.

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All picture source: Google Images

After so many years people feel unrest. Economy goes to zero. Poor have no food to eat. Labourer facing crisis.

I don't think corona effect Middle and Rich people because still they something to eat but when I think about labourer. I don't know how they are spending their time. what they are feeding to their children.

Our Government collected thousands of crores as Fund from Public but they didn't provide facilities to peoples which are affected due to Covid19.

They don't have SOP to implement rules so they can someone suppress Covid19 cases but due to their negligence Covid19 entered India.

What u think?
Should government should do complete lockdown amidst Covid19?