survival rate is above 99%
This is a misleading and factually incorrect statistic. How you have it written makes it seem like more than 99% of the people infected with covid will survive. The truth of the matter is that the global death rate is around 2.14%.
It changes your DNA for the worse, not better.
DNA and mRNA are not interchangeable. Also if they wanted to introduce genetic material into you then it would be easier to store it as DNA as RNA is extremely unstable. As well you need a vector to introduce genetic material into the genome like AAV which carries its own associated risks.
Basically if you can't even get these basic facts about content correct then why would I believe anything else? Why should I even bother reading when you have blatantly shown that you don't know what you are talking about?
The numbers are massively manipulated, I collected a lot of information about it.
mRNA CAN change the DNA, but the risk is supposed to be very low, but nobody knows for sure as there exist no long term studies about this new class of experimental vaccines.
You can find a list of potential side effects at the homepage of the FDA, page 17:
We know that it is very easy to prevent and relatively easy to cure coronavirus (depends on the stage on condition of the patient), thats what they are doint in Asia. Here:
Here a small piece which was just sent to me:
Dear Friends
Truth and Freedom always ring so clear.
Dr Simone Gold speaks boldly on the dangers of experimental vaccines...and the nefarious lies spoon fed to each of us by way of the media.
She has a voice...and so do we.
freedom and peace