
That would explain why so many mathematicians understand that 2+2=5.

It can be done, easily. Depends on how you define "+". So right now things depend on how you define "health", and "trust" and "truth" and such things. The definition, imo, that we all need desperately to have some discussion of is that of "freedom". Cuz this here is not freedom. It's totalitarianism through medical tyranny. It's a nifty trick they got us on this time.

The same medical tyranny that would undoubtedly do its best to save your life in the event you contracted COVID. I would say the "+" sign is pretty solidly defined as is. 2+2=4 would be an example of how I define truth.

The medical tyranny that has robbed us of everything that gives our lives meaning, and is ruining the middle class, based on pure conjecture? The medical tyrants who tell us what to do, but still have not one single thing THEY can do? The tyrants who have prohibited the use of a very effective and cheap remedy for covid?

Give me liberty or give me death.

If everything that gives your life meaning was taken away by an outside force, I'd urge you to spend some time tuning in with yourself to see if you can find meaning that's not dependent on anything else.

I have a large house, a garden, a dance studio, a piano, several pets. I sing, I play, I dance, I nurture, I love, I have enough money, I have open air.

I do not have my chorus, my music club, my access to making music with friends, which six months later is a terrible loss. My two daughters who live in other states are unable to visit their mother because of quarantines. I am relatively fine, as most middle to upper class persons currently are.

But the loss of my music making, loss of human contact, loss of movies, and plays and yoga classes are taking its toll. I, who have always been of a very sound mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual constitution, am getting depressed.

Take a moment to imagine how people who are crammed in apartments with others, with no yards, their neighborhood bodegas are closed so they are forced to take public transportation to go buy vegetables except for the kind one can find in a gas station, their parks are closed, their kids are crammed in their apartment with them all day, they did not get a stimulus check if they are currently getting public assistance. If I am having trouble, then these people are in extreme danger of food deprivation, mental illness, domestic violence and the like. These are the people I am concerned about. They will not survive this. As we all well know, a great many of these people are people of color.

Then there are the small businesses that are closing in droves in my once bustling town. No more small businesses can survive, so say goodbye to one major route out of poverty for many. How about the sports venues that so many of our youth used to get a college education, gone. Any kid who is a junior or senior in high school and dreamed of a career in music, theater, film, opera etc, can kiss their dreams goodbye. Our kids are home not socializing, not learning, scared of their friends' breath.

Is this the world you want to live in? Because until we stop believing that the medical industry is helping us with this problem, by essentially doing nothing but telling us we should give up human contact for as long as they say so (which has already gone on for far longer than they told us it would) then we are screwed.

We'll all be dead by the time those bozos get through with us.

Do not condescend to me.

I apologize if I sounded harsh; these are all legitimate concerns, and I'm fully on board with the fact that the lack of socialization is horrible for humans in general. COVID has absolutely disproportionally affected people of color who don't have the same access to resources that we do, and it will only widen the economic divide in many ways. I completely agree with the majority of everything you wrote in that reply, and the loss of extracurriculars is just another shot to the gut for many of our youth who were already struggling with a lack of peer contact before.

We may disagree on the means that should be taken, but I agree that the second-order effects of this are nothing to be taken lightly.