I know Coronavirus has a bad reputation. But it is like Justin Sun: Simply misunderstood and on a mission to make this world a better place.
Did you know?
- Coronavirus is child-friendly. There are almost no cases of severe cases of Coronavirus among children.
- Coronavirus brings people to quarantine, which helps them spend more quality time with their loved ones.
- Coronavirus makes people appreciate the simple things in life, like going outside or having toilet paper.
- Coronavirus is not very lethal but it spreads chaos. It is kind of the friendly rebellious character we all enjoy in movies.
- Coronavirus helps reducing CO2 emissions in China and all over the world.
- Coronavirus is fighting climate change. It is the Greta Thunberg among all the viruses.
So please lend Coronavirus a hand on its mission to enrich the community you are living in! SPREAD THE LOVE!
But what can I do?
- Spontaneously hug Chinese tourists
- Shake hands with everybody
- If you feel symptoms of fever, coughing or nauseousness go to work not to a doctor
- Feel free to lick door knobs and other objects that are frequently touched by the public