Things the US leads the world in:
- Highest obesity rate
- Highest divorce rate
- Highest incarceration rate
Now... We also lead the world in #coronavirus cases. Good job America.🏆🤦🏼♀️
Ps... packed jail cells + a highly spreadable disease = not good.
XO, Lea

Now with the highest test rate which is inflating the numbers. I believe the death % rate is more important to most people.
That's a valid point. I also think our test rates are probably still underinflated though. I personally know quite a few people who have tried to get tests and have been denied. From a death toll perspective - Italy is still leaps ahead of where we are, but we are still earlier in the process though - so we'll see how that changes over the next week or two. 😬
A big measuring stick will be in what happens in America in April of 2020.
our test rates are not the highest, far from that. my sister in law is a nurse and also another friend who is a nurse has confirmed this fact.
Well I guess that warrants robbing the people of the US to bail out corporate America with 6 trillion dollars! I’m not even american and reading that bill pissed me off, I can’t imagine why the Public wouldn’t be raging unless they just on a sugar crash because they can’t get fast food
They just don't understand basic economics. People are actually applauding the fed for "saving us". 🤦🏼♀️
What happened to freedom, liberty and justice for all? Or was that replaced with the Baconator, Netflix and chill and Amazon Prime
The good news is that some people that may say Orange Man Bad may also kind of see how the Fed sucks too. I don't know how many people are starting to see how crazy it might be to like print up trillions of dollars out of thin air, on a dime (pun intended), but if it wakes up some people to what happened in 1913 in regards to the formation of the Federal Reserve, then I count that as good news to say the least.
I agree with you. That is a lot of money. And that is a problem.
If everyone would just stay inside, things would be so much better. Those Floridan spring breakers were pretty shit. Wonder how much got spread just because of them.
Good idea.
Just like with the spanish flu a century ago, self isolation is the only way to stop the spread. There's going to be a lot of young people at their grandparents and great grantparents funerals in the US in the near future, and it is preventable if people heed italy's warnings.
Did they self isolate during the Spanish Flu?
some cities did, and some didn't. the ones that didn't paid the price dearly.
now we are over 100,000
we are fucked.
You forgot highest gun violence rate too? ;D
Value of Health:
Too many people are not trying harder to be healthy. The good news is that this virus is raising awareness to the value of building up the immune system.
Not Always Reporting
Now, specifically, more people live in America than some countries and some countries may not be reporting all of the cases. Well, actually, I may have had a mild case of the virus. Many people have talked about getting really sick and recovering. People may not always know if they got the virus or not. But some people do get sick and then do get better from some illnesses .Some people are not reporting in the United States and in other countries.
I would love to buy a microscope or other things that can help detect whether or not I have this 2019 Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) or other things as well.
We should continue trying to help people fight the virus via natural remedies and also in fighting governments that try to use pandemics as an excuse to come in to save us when we should be taking care of ourselves instead. Some people surrender their liberties for alleged safety, security, which governments promise to give us and too often we end up with neither freedom not protection, at least in some cases (historically) and potentially speaking as well. People like Bill Gates were behind the creation of viruses, vaccines, etc.
Government Jesus
Too often, they create problems and then come in with cures, as saviors. They try very hard to make us believe that they are the good guys and that they can save us from the problems they created in the first place.
We should be not just fighting the virus but also raising awareness to those who try to take away our freedoms and our lives.