CBC is Fake news.

Giving out the summary of what I feel is that CBC being funding by our tax dollars by this incompetent prime minister of ours, Justin Trudeau, (who is a real feminazi regressive left leaning dickheaded cuck and a half) is spitting misinformation themselves saying something that the Epoch times are racists towards Chinese when in fact it was made by Chinese citizens themselves. That is just one example as to how fucking stupid and fake this CBC actually is.

There is a huge corruption in our government. One of them is what I have mentioned above. Justin Trudeau being stupid regressive left supporting fake CBC news with our tax Dollars. Also Theresa Tam, (cunt) who said that closing the borders to China is racist. Stupid bitch now helped spread the Corona because of this corrupted Political Correctness culture. But then again, she is working for that corrupt WHO which is under the claw of the Communist government of China. So go figure what is going on.