As we move through life, we are bathed in information and data. From the time we awaken in the morning to the time we lay our heads down at night, we have a portfolio of choices to attend to. How do we keep perspective as information overload puts us at risk for loss?
The COVID-19 pandemic and resultant lockdown has been taken up by the media. It is the biggest and most dynamic story in America and the world today. Every single day, the media presents new symptoms, findings, updates trends and ways to "protect" ourselves. How can we filter these stories out?
The first key is to define our values and stick to them. Are you committing to listen to science and facts from definitive and authoritative sources? Most would say yes, but most people are drawn to emotional sources and anecdotes. We need to downplay our emotions and avoid opinion sources. Keep on the scientific path and avoid the media manipulation.
The next step is to look in our communities and see how good or bad the situation is there. Is the media drumming something up to sell papers?
Next, stay healthy. Keep eating well and exercising so that your brain is functioning best.
Keep perspective and keep moving. The COVID-19 crisis will come to and end one day, and we will be there to see it.
Picture from Pixabay.