It's a PLANdemic!! Why else would the CDC start hiring quarantine staff back in November?
We need to expose this for what it is, a big plan! You can see through this narrative by looking in to Event 201 and seeing this as another attempt to use hegelian dialect (Problem-Reaction-Solution) to have the masses beg for the solution that the globalists/bankers/politicians have wanted all along. First they roll out a problem, then they guide perceptions with constant fearmongering propaganda from the mainstream media and before long the masses are begging for the pre-planned solution.
Society hasn't accepted mandatory vaccine laws that have been pushed, but after this panic, now the masses will beg for these new laws.
Other agenda items include rolling out a new cashless one world currency, implanting RFID chips (research RealID2020) for monitoring health/vaccine history, increasing 1984-like surveillance & snitch society and starting another world war to "get us out of this depression".
Some of us have seen right through this narrative and some of us won't ever see through it. That's why we need to have healthy dialog about it. That's why we need everyone to share their opinions and new information in the comments below or on social media.
The good news is that we still have a chance to stand up to speak truth to power! But we need everyone to be more vigilant and courageous now more than ever before.
If you enjoyed this video, please share it and subscribe! If you'd like to be in touch, please send an email or find me as TribeRiseUp on Telegram.
Thanks everybody.

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Event 201 was just the tip of the ice berg. Check out @flauwy.apx for way more craziness in regards to the plandemic.
Hey brother. I've not watched the video yet (i need to sleep), but i agree it's largely planned by the powers that shouldn't be, and certainly being taking advantage of to attempt to strip us of any remaining rights they deem to give us.
Well, there is a way out. And that is for us to band together in a very well organised way, to be better organised than they are. I have only become aware of one such system which will help us do that, and that is the Matrix-8 Platform.
Please read my post of today for some information.
Your feedback will be much appreciated. Then we can band together and move forward to return the power to the people.