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RE: GekeVenn: HUMANA

in #corpporatism7 years ago (edited)

I want to thank you for posting GekeVenns on the Blockchain! You are awesome!

It is the proof that our nation is run by the money powers. What would be interesting is to see how many of these people are also members of the true power the NGO- CFR Council of Foreign Relations.

Would you consider adding another circle and putting CFR membership to it?


It's a good idea but that might overcomplicate the intended simplicity of the venns. Maybe another set of venns could show CFR's overlap with business.

From what I have read every President since LBJ nominates CFR people for Most Cabinet Positions. And that every ABC agency top levels and Companies top levels are CFR.

What I am saying is that the real power behind the curtain is the CFR and that NGO was founded, and funded by the even bigger power the BANKSTERS. But the Banksters are happy to hide their power behind the Round Table and CFR.
The whole structure is in Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope.

Courageous attempts to sound a warning as a part of the documented record:
In 1836, John C. Calhoun, Vice President under Andrew Jackson, warned in a speech
of a cohesive network of powerful interests that even back then was already “steadily
becoming the government itself:
“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves,
consisting of many, and various, and powerful interests, combined into one
mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in the banks.
This mighty combination will be opposed to any change; and it is to be feared
that, such is its influence, no measure to which it is opposed can become a law,
however expedient and necessary, and that the public money will remain in their
possession, to be disposed of, not as the public interest, but as theirs may
dictate. The time, indeed, seems fast approaching, when no law can pass, nor any honor be conferred, from the chief magistrate to the tide-waiter, without
the assent of this powerful and interested combination, which is steadily
becoming the government itself, to the utter subversion of the authority of the
I found this Quote in a poorly written Secret Societies Book.