The correct rules for making makeup

in #correct7 years ago

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While cleaning the makeup properly we make some mistakes in our absence. Which is very harmful for our skin. Let us clean up the makeup right now, knowing the mistakes of our unknown people. And keep our skin protected.
Not completely clean the makeup:
Due to the busyness, the makeup may not have been completely cleansed, and the rest of the makeup will dry up your skin, which can later become a cause of the dehydrate for the skin. Apart from skin sweats and bacteria and remaining makeup, the presence of these on your skin all over again can be seen as a major cause of damage.
After using makeup wipe (wipe-wet tissue) clean the mouth with the cleaner:
Many people think that after using makeup wipe, the cleaner does not need to clean the face. But it's actually a misconception. After using the makeup wipe, clean the face with another cleaner, and finally clean the face with water.
Wipe all the makeup with a makeup wipe: a makeup wipe is not enough to clean all your makeup. Appropriate method of cleaning makeup, mouth, eyes and lips separately for different makeup wipe.
Eye decoration is not fully cleaned:
Many people think that the eyes are very much in the face, so the eye makeup is not fully cleaned. This is a misconception. It is extremely important to remove eye makeup very well because the eye skin is very sensitive.
Do not use proper remover to make makeup:
There are separate removals to make eye, face, lips makeup. So do not lift all the makeup with the same remover and use different makeup remover properly.
Use hot water to make makeup:
Never use hot water to make makeup. The use of hot water will dry your skin or gradually skeleton skin skin.
Avoid using the skin according to the type of skin:
It is very important to use a cleaner according to the type of skin. We all know oily skin and dry skin cleanser can never be one. So, when purchasing makeup remover, buy your skin type with removing the skin.
Not having your cleaner levels of PH levels:
Generally, the use of a ph-dimensional clearing solution of the 5.5 dimension should be used. Many forget about buying a remover or a cleaner. There may be some damage to your skin due to not having the correct level of ph levels
Using a sharp curb type:
Do not use sharp-edged scraps to make makeup. Many think that it is good to pick up a sharp-edged scuba makeup. Actually, it's not right.
Cleavage face with tawel:
The skin of our face is very sensitive. That's why never scratch the face of the face with a towel. With a soft towel, lightly press the mouth and dry the mouth. And always use separate soft towels for face.


without it your skin become dull and gloomy

Really?..Thnx for telling :)

@tasnianjum Thanks For Opinion share & Thanks For Support.

helpful post

thanks @antorbd And Thanks For Your Support.

Nyc Post!! I like Your Post!!

Thanks @dhimanyog For your Opinion Share And thanks For Your Support.

need it for women

yes @zumantasfia1993 need it for women, Thanks For Reply and Support.

Makeup mane e moyda

hmm Right Bro @ashikctg thanks For your reply and thanks for your support.

well post

👍 Thanks @salek45 for your opinion share.

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