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RE: Cosmic Mind

in #cosmic15 days ago

had a dream about some kind of Circus Magic system, instead of stone & masonry, they only reqlly used Woods & little bits of Metal for making things.

it was identical to the Masonry of Solomon, they would eat some kind of mind altering drug cocktail, dried blood red color.

they would make contact with the very specific Djinn, who were more Elf like beings, they would set the plan for the night time, and in the morning the objects were made in the darkness.

everything was detailed like fractal, encoded with infinite layers of symbolic meaning.

much like Santa Elves make things, this Citrus group had everything coded, complete Elven language.

it gave me very uncomfortable feelings about it, because of drug magic & spirits, but nothing frightening happened, i was just kind of watching things unfold, how it operates.

thinking about the drug on the paper, it was a large & thick sheet of brown paper, full of instructions in a bizarre language, and a sealed round spot in the center, pull it off revealed the drug that appeared like dried dark red blood.

Red Hefner Blood, this makes me think a blood ritual for the elfin like spirits makes something similar to Adrenochrome, psychoactive compound.

they need this blood ritual to be offered, exactly as the instruction say, to convert into this drug, in order to make them build the Temple?

this very particular holographic fractaling, in my dreams have seen something in the sky, very high above doing this, millions of fractal beings, blue & red, probably different colors as well.

dont think we are dealing with classic UFOs or demonic beings, this is something else.

still convenienced "First Contact" for the public will not be what we would suspect, from television movies.