Hello today we are going to run a cosmos node locally without install Cosmos, just Docker fun.
Ok, let's run Cosmos in two commands with docker. If the server has ready the Docker and Goland just start here. =
docker run -it -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v ~/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad -v ~/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli meleatrust/get-cosmos:part024 gaiad init --name VALIDATORIAN-NAME
#Lets add the seed and the persistent peer for Sync gaia-8001
cd .gaiad/data
#If -bash: cd: data: Permission denied =
sudo chown user:group data
#Remove default genesis file and down the good for gaia-8001. (today)
rm genesis.json
Download the Good genesis.json
wget -c 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cosmos/testnets/master/gaia-8001/genesis.json '
#Add seed nodes and persistent peers to config.toml and verify your Validatorian name is ok.
vi config.toml
seeds = "7c8b8fd03577cd4817f5be1f03d506f879df98d8@gaia-seed1.interblock.io:26656, a28737ff02391a6e00a1d3b79befd57e68e8264c@gaia-seed2.interblock.io:26656, 987ffd26640cd03d08ed7e53b24dfaa7956e612d@gaia-seed3.interblock.io:26656,837ab35ee80e6882da08ab6244ef27538e73aedd@gaia-seed4.interblock.io:26656"
docker run -it -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v ~/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad -v ~/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli meleatrust/get-cosmos:part024 gaiad start
#Ok here is running the Cosmos Gaia-8001, Salut!
#If need install docker :wink: Start here.
#Install go
#Install Docker
sudo apt-get update
curl -fsSL get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sh get-docker.sh
sh install.sh
Add your user to Docker Group
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
Now that Goland and Docker is installed, just run Cosmos-Docker
docker run -it -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v ~/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad -v ~/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli meleatrust/get-cosmos:part024 gaiad init --name VALIDATORIAN-NAME
cd .gaiad/data
#If -bash: cd: data: Permission denied = sudo chown user:group data
#Add seed nodes and persistent peers to config.toml and verify your Validatorian name is ok.
vi config.toml
docker run -it -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v ~/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad -v ~/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli meleatrust/get-cosmos:part024 gaiad start
#for close gaia
#for run in Detached mode
docker run -it -d -p 26657:26657 -p 26656:26656 -v ~/.gaiad:/root/.gaiad -v ~/.gaiacli:/root/.gaiacli meleatrust/get-cosmos:part024 gaiad start
#For stop the gaia in detached mode
docker container ls
docker stop (CONTAINER ID from meleatrust/get-cosmos:part024)
Here one Back up file and instructions for sync the block +900k
Enjoy, more docker cmd comings later
:) Its verify for now is working ok.
how i cant update after a few days, just follow here for futures updates.
cheers :hugs:
If want to build the official Cosmos repo locally , this link can help you.
For build your own Cosmos Repo and run fron any server without install or build again.