It's been a while! - Where am I?

in #cosplay6 years ago (edited)

I don't know how many people actually actively read this blog to be honest, but thinking about it it's probably just 3 or 4 people. Regardless, to anyone who used to read what I posted, I'd like to say that I'm not dead or anything - I'm just busy.
And yes, I know that's an excuse you've heard a million times before but let me explain.

I've recently taken up a semi-intensive TESOL course in order to become a teacher. While music and writing are my true goals, realism has settled in so I do need at least one stable source of income.

But I've returned today to introduce another aspect that I will start blogging about, and that is...

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This is something I've always been interested in but never had the courage or the commitment to actually put in the effort to start. My main circle of friends normally consist of extroverts who watch anime casually and play only mainstream games, however I had always considered myself to be a bit of a closet weeb and recently, with the help of my lovely girlfriend, I decided to try my hand at it.

However, I was stumped on what character to cosplay as - I had no experience so I did not want to go as something that needed too much work - but I was also picky with my anime so I did not want to choose something that was too mainstream either. (Naruto, Bleach, etc.) In the end, I chose to cosplay as Dabi from My Hero Academia. (I do realize that My Hero Academia is a bit mainstream but from my point of view - from my generation's point of view, the mainstream anime era has slowly died out, and honestly, My Hero Academia still feels fresh to me.)

And so after buying my wig and wigcap, I got ready to showcase my very first cosplay at Auckland's Armageddon Expo.


This was about my 3rd time going to Armageddon Expo actually - but it was my first time cosplaying. I was initially afraid of any comments or judging stares - I don't think I was even ready for something that felt like an upper-casual level of cosplay for my first time, but to my pleasant surprise everyone was so supportive and caring.

I've met other My Hero Academia cosplayers like an excellent All Might cosplayer, the whole gang from U.A. who were very kind and cute towards our couple cosplaying, and even a kid that was cosplaying as Dabi. I'd love to include some of these pictures but getting into contact with the other cosplayers and getting their permission would take time, and I wanted to post this as soon as I could.

And what can I say about the whole experience?
Well, it was absolutely magical. Being a former shy, paranoid non-cosplayer I can say that starting cosplay actually helped me in some ways that I did not even expect - first off, it gave me a new hobby which I was interested in. I'm always seeking for new interests and fun activities and I can definitely say cosplaying is a unique experience that I recommend everyone try.

Also, being such an introverted, shy person that actually has stage fright, (I've suffered from this so much in my high school music performances that I never received a mark that I wanted when I played guitar for my recitals. My hands shook too much most of the times so I felt that I never managed to play a song to my greatest capacity.) I can clearly say that cosplaying gifts you with an element of confidence and support from the amazing positivity other cosplayers bring. I felt so glad that there were so many supportive people around.

So here's to a wonderful start in what I'm hoping will be a fun new endeavor.


p.s.: I've started a cosplay instagram with my girlfriend! Be sure to follow us if you're interested :)



I do cosplay too, so your blog interest me and i follow you!

Thank you! Always interested in meeting fellow cosplayers ^^