Coss-Exchange from Singapore!

in #coss8 years ago

What is Coss?
COSS stands for Crypto-One-Stop-Solution and represents a platform, which encompasses all features of a digital economical system based on cryptocurrency. The COSS system consists of a payment gateway / POS, an exchange, a merchant list, market cap rankings, a marketplace, an e-wallet, various coin facilities and a mobile platform. The COSS platform unifies all transactional aspects that are usually managed by means of FIAT money, and offers multiple cryptocurrency-related services in one place. The list of potential features of the platform can be infinitely extended, and will continue growing as the platform evolves

The core application offers COSS users the following functionalities:
Account management:
Registering a new account-Login into an existing account-Logout-User profile deletion-Configuration security-Viewing account activity log.

  • Hot wallets:
    Hot wallets are stored into the platform and are used for deposits. These wallets hold funds only for a limited amount of time, as the deposit transactions are being confirmed. After the blockchain transactions are confirmed, the funds are scheduled to be moved to the warm wallet.
  • Warm wallets:
    Warm wallets are stored on a totally separate server that has all the security measures to beprotected: all communication ports except for the blockchain synchronization ones areblocked, no user has access to the server directly, the wallet's password is encrypted, etc.
    Only a limited amount of funds can be stored in the warm wallet
  • Cold wallets:
    Cold wallets are stored on air-gapped PCs in the COSS office in Singapore. These computers have no internet connection, and the transactions from the cold wallets are processed manually by our financial managers.
    The majority of funds is stored in the cold wallets.


A user can check his/her account status in the left section of the menu. The account status can be upgraded by completing the KYC levels. Each KYC level comes with different limits and requirements

  • Deposit
    A user can deposit FIAT or digital currencies by pressing the buttons in the wallet bar inside the application. After pressing the Deposit button, he/she can select a FIAT or a crypto-currency he/she intends to deposit. If the user chooses to deposit a FIAT currency, he/she will be redirected to several payment options. The possible action flow will be based on the selected payment method. If a user opted for Bank Transfer he/she will be taken to a page, on which the bank transfer details can be viewed and downloaded in the PDF format
  • Withdrawal
    Withdrawals from users' balances are enabled in both FIAT and CRYPTO currencies. Users can withdraw amounts of any currency (FIAT or CRYPTO) that they own. Withdrawals are processed differently depending on the currency that is being retrieved. Some of the withdrawals are automated and some are manual. The automated withdrawals are enabled for users owning small amounts of crypto.
  • Merchant Platform
    The merchant platform on COSS aims to bring together the cryptocurrency-friendly businesses and the potential clients, facilitating the communication between them for the mutual benefit. In this way, the COSS platform performs the role of a middleman in the massive cryptocurrency adoption, helping customers to spend and to acquire their digital coins all in one place.

    More Info


You just repeated what can be found in the site. I would have expected some level of analysis here.

I think KuCoin is better then Coss 🚀 🚀 🚀
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