CELT weekly update - splitting the profits

in #coss7 years ago

Let's analise the medium!

Maker -taker fee structure change:

It was about time they planned to implemented this.
Having 0 fee as maker will attract a lot of buisness.
It'll be possible to reduce spreads completely to it's absolute set minimum!
Anyone who is against this clearly doesn't want to trade. It's better to have orders on the orderbooks because people like to market order in a bot driven market. When api get's release there will be an influx if bot traders filling and adjusting their orderbooks for profitable trades. having a 0% fee encourages the market makers to go to the absolute minimum where they can outbid eachoter: better sreads: less loss on conversion for the common trader. Anyone who would dare to say otherwise clearly hasn't market traded in current exchange conditions.

De-listing tokens

It would be best to remove scamcoins. I'm not going to take a standpoint on which coins should be removed or not. but the community probably knows what abominations should not stay listed.


We know they need to provide it. I've given up on actually hoping at a specific timeframe they implement. But I'll be partying the day they release it!

CELT Performance

I wanted to do another update in the data sheet but the wallet csv export button seems to be broken for me. Don't know if it's broken for other people as well?
anyways I wanted to focus on this:

In short:
CELTbot has been actively been trading and it is paying off! our ETHequivalent is stacking up again and we're reaching our highest low since the reporting sheet again. If this trend continues we can see CELT reaching breakeven in the upcoming month('s). which ofcourse means the following:

Switching to profit sharing method

Instead of simply needing to sell your tokens to get your profit the token will get an upgrade to make divident payouts possible. The first steps toward this implementation have been set in the form of a profit sharing contract I created for King of the Crypto Hill.

each alliance leader could deploy the contract, and setup shares for each member.eth send into the contract will be send across the members according to their shares. https://etherscan.io/address/0x2c6ab1bf5bfeb45bb1200a049c0c86b4ffacbe5b#code

I feel like this is a huge step for me to continue the part to implementation of an eth div payout system to CELT holders. Slowly the pieces are falling together and each project I do helps build my skillset.

Lack of time

Work and family have me occupied a lot which leaves not a lot of time. I've been more absent in the coss telegram then I want to. Also moderating my dapp can become time consuming.

What is next on the coding list?

What I'd like to set my coding effort to is expanding and improving my aCCOSmulationbot stratigy I personally use. Atm it's just set to run on 1 pair, but I'd like to enable more pairs simultatiously if possible. But I'm not even running it atm cause of the lack of time to simply reboot it on a system I want to use for it.
Also I've got the drive to try and prove a scam by draining a 'what i think is a scam' contract to it's owner before more people get involved and lose their eth.
Even though the 'I know it's a scam but that doesn't mean I can't profit' may apply. I'd like to help the ones who don't know better and do a good deed in exposing a scam.
There's just so many things I want to do and so little time! If only I could devote fulltime to coding. But there are bills to pay.

Bullish on COSS!

If it is not clear to you let it be known. I'm verry bullish on COSS. DYOR, but come on guys ;)
I'll try to make it shower with volume once API get's here. I'm just waiting for it to enable to community to use bots!
Wether it be through a freemium service or just plain opensourcing it at a point.

Volume will happen! ;)

Thanks for reading!


Love what you are doing helping COSS community. When Coss does take off they should have a statue of you in their foyer.