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RE: Creative Destruction Driving Economic Growth

in #cost2 years ago

Great job with your response! Prior to these articles I also had very little understanding of creative destruction, and its impact on the economy. As you mentioned in your opening paragraphs, these theories are commonly built on the exchange process between buyers and sellers, which directly influence the market. Many entrepreneurs have done market studies, research, tests, and other experiments to try and predict their market flow. They use this gathered information to make decisions which will impact their business, and target audience. These internal and external factors are continuously influencing the market which is one of the key reasons Bylund uses to highlight there being no “perfect market”. Because all markets are going through these alterations, our economy correspondingly shifts as well.

You also were able to connect Schumpeter's main idea of innovation, and economic growth to real world examples extremely well. In the opening acts of your third paragraph you outlined,

With no innovation, there can be no economic growth. This I related well with my understanding of creative destruction and its importance in the economy. While entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are not always well liked, they paved a path to economic growth by creating something new.

Bringing up famous entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg helped me fully understand your interpretation of Schumpeter’s and Bylunds reading. Ultimately, I absolutely agree with you, while it is common for creative innovations to come into the market, they are not without repercussions. As you mentioned, Elon Musk is an excellent example of this. He recently bought Twitter out right and made a lot of major changes to the platform. Consequently, the platform’s network has dropped tremendously since his take over, their competitors have picked up traction, and studies have shown they are not on a positive track. In the end, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are only a few examples of individuals who have made changes to their companies which directly influence user behavior and can ultimately play a pivotal part in the shift of our economy for better or worse.

Similarly, to your response, I outlined the significance behind all individuals understanding economic growth, creative destruction, market innovation, the distribution of power between buyer and seller, and all contributing factors that impact our economy. Once people recognize the significance of these components, they will make more informed decisions with their income, further shifting the tides of our economy.