New hobby spouse.

I really like to watch new passion of the spouse, the clothespin tree. Not always bought the seedling is true when it grows as well as want to keep any sort of apples from the old Apple tree, as in our case. On previously planted wild Apple tree twig primases need Apple varieties.foto-privivki-v-rasschep.jpg Prisalivaya spouse did at the beginning of may this year, on the rugged wild Crabapple tree.IMG_20180820_094637.jpgIMG_20180820_094557.jpgIMG_20180820_094518.jpgIMG_20180820_094440.jpg IMG_20180820_094835.jpgAnd the result took root almost all the twigs that his words is very rare because the process is not very simple.IMG_20180820_094959.jpgIMG_20180820_095029.jpgIMG_20180819_204611.jpgIMG_20180819_204708.jpg Not four months have passed since the clothespin and we have a metre or more processes. And even to me this far from very noticeable growth clothespin with purchased seedlings. According to the spouse it is connected with a clothespin on a wild Apple-tree as it grew from a stone in wild conditions and on the given district. Hardened, has a good root system, adapted to the environment in the area where it grew up. Waiting for delicious apples!!!


Хорошее хобби!

Good post!

It's a hobby for a real gardener!

Thank you!