The delayed ejaculation. The sexual disorder that most worries spaniards

According to a recent report published by Doctoralia medical website, a sexual disorder known as delayed ejaculation, is the second most sought-after disease by Spaniards on the Internet. As its name suggests, it is the reverse of premature ejaculation. The sufferer suffers from the inability to ejaculate while having sex, or during the period immediately following sex. Some people may take up to 45 minutes or more to get it, and it can be annoying or painful. Although the patient can be exiting and have erections without problems, and (this is the most important thing) very often is able to ejaculate normally when masturbating. But what is the origin of this situation?

Specialists have identified several triggers for this disorder. In the first place are those who have a physical origin. It is estimated that about 30% of the men affected by this problem suffer it as a side effect of certain drugs, especially antidepressants, which can cause various types of sexual dysfunction. But it can also be caused by diseases such as diabetes or spinal cord injury.

Despite this, it is estimated that the highest percentage of cases has a psychological origin. As we have already said, patients in this group have no problem ejaculating when they masturbate, but are unable (or unwilling) to do so when they engage in sexual intercourse or play sex games with another person. Drugs such as Viagra in these cases are ineffective because the problem is not lack of desire or inability to have an erection. And, in addition, one of the side effects of this treatment is to delay ejaculation a little, so the pill ends up being counterproductive.

The American Urological Association's data shows that 4% of the male population suffers from this problem, whether for physical or psychological reasons. Doctors say that every man ever suffers problems with ejaculation in his life, but that only those men in whom this anomaly lasts more than six months are considered to have this disorder.

In addition, when it is due to psychological causes, since it cannot be treated with the same drugs that are usually used for male sexual dysfunction, delayed ejaculation ends up causing the person problems related to self-esteem that, in many occasions, lead him to avoid intimate relationships with his partners to avoid facing this unpleasant situation.

According to figures provided by the Murcian Sexology Institute, the number of men who suffer from it has increased in the last ten years. That does not mean that there are now more cases, but it may simply be an effect of the proliferation of information on the Internet and related forums, which have helped many men lose the shame and decide to seek help.