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RE: How to fight corruption in our countries?

in #countries6 years ago

The problem with corruption, imo, is to really understand the concept and then apply the solution.

Corruption, in its more pure form, is a wrong atitude that jumps society standarts in order to take advantage of something, then we have not only the politicians, we have also common people that act undercovered to get benefits where they won't if they would have done the right thing...

I think that corruption is a cancer that is far from being cured, humanity have to learn a lot and restore our path to rightness, because even the most little and stupid act of corruption, that could be just to cheat on a school test, will affect our society, our world, our lives...

I'm from a very corrupted country (not where i live in), I was born in Venezuela, and lived there until I got 35, there's been a lot of time that corruption is free of charge there so the only thing that I, as a person, could do to fight against corruption is to do the best that I can to respect the rules, no matter where I live now because if I didn't care about to be lawful where I came from, I won't care where I go, for sure.