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RE: It would be political suicide for Boris Johnson to Announnce another Lockdown now.....

in #covid-193 years ago (edited)

Oh, I am seeing a LOT of 'adverse events' and almost total blind compliance where I am. Thankfully, most of those I hold dear are safe from the propaganda at least, due to their proximity to 'conspiracy theorist' me all these years. But that doesn't mean they are free of coercion, threat, extortion and the knock-on effects of the actions of those who have been brainwashed. The amount of suffering and ignorance I've seen these last couple of years is truly staggering, and incredibly disappointing. I don't want to live in a world like this. And neither do a LOT of us. And THAT's why we came to change it. I hope to goodness we can, because the alternative is a nightmare. Ultimately, all tyrannies come to an end, but at what cost along the way...?

When it comes to even something as blatant and common sense as the further implications of the 'party' debacle, it's a classic example of 'there's none so blind as those who WON'T see', right? Obedient workers, who question nothing. It IS shocking, but that's where we're at. x