Because we know Pfizer is killing and harming a LOT of people
Please, anybody that understand the VAERS database (or its equivalent in other country) knows it's one big lie started by a few ill-intentioned people and parroted by thousand of people who don't (or don't want to) understand it. Adverse reactions, including deaths, can occur. Nobody (at least no doctors or scientists) denies it. They're of course tragic, but the numbers are extremely low. Of course, nobody should take my word for it, but there is a very simple test anybody can do. It doesn't rely on governments sanctioned data, or right/left wing talking heads' non-sense, it's just your local doctors and hospitals. Go and ask them this very straight forward question: how many beds are used by patients with severe COVID complications, and how many with vaccines injuries. Even after removing all the cases of people older or with comorbidities from the former, the latter number will always be so much smaller. You can repeat for as many hospitals as needed, to reach a statistically significant sample.
I have plenty of relatives working in healthcare, from nurses to ICU doctors. I asked them and also several people working in local hospitals around here. Between all of them, it covers at least several hundred thousands vaccinated people. Their answers were all similar: plenty of patients in the first group, very little, if any, in the second...