Well it looks like the west is on fire with COVID-19. I have the pleasure of experiencing it in Indonesia. Generally I think this is a bad plan, but it was not planned, so here we are.
I stocked up 6 weeks of food over the last 3 weeks. Yesterday the mall's and restaurants closed near me. One market remains open now until 6PM.
After hearing the results of using the malaria medication for treatment, I plan to find some. Not sure how but I think it would be good to have, as the big brains think 50% will get it here.
Best of luck to everyone!
I believe the fastest way is to get Malaria first (abundant supply in the tropics), then we can have the Medicine for it... Welcome to the jungle! 😂
Don't use medication just out of rumours. Just stay safe.
I never have.
I however plan to buy medication based on case studies from the medical community. The first two were from China. They were however ignored by the western media. The second I have reviewed was the results of Didier Raoult M.D/Ph.D. His results were picked up by the western media and was followed by many other doctors.
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko in the U.S. has well documented the results of his treatments with the addition of zinc. I having understanding of the effect of zinc on the human body have chose this approach.
Having reviewed the results of five doctors and with my own experience "I" not a government official have chose what I will do.
My research started January 9, 2020
dont buy medication just because Trump advertises it.
only buy medication if you actually need it. otherwise sick people will not find the medication they need.