A quick google search will show that Pfizer (the company that your government is likely ordering vaccines from) is a massively corrupt criminal corporation.

It seems to me that the governments themselves are pretty fucking corrupt to be using a corporation like Pfizer who has paid over 3 BILLION DOLLARS IN COURT FINES to hand out "vaccines".
I don't think enough people have paid close enough attention to the details here.
Bill Gates, a self-admitted eugenicist said on multiple occasions that he intends on lowering the world's population through the use of vaccines. Hello? Are you listening? Watch the video for yourself
Bill Gates has invested BILLIONS of dollars into Monsanto and several pharmaceutical companies. Ya know, Mon'Satan'o, the creators of Agent Orange (a toxic set of chemicals used to murder people in the Vietnam war which ultimately ended up also harming several thousand US military members as well lol karma).

Making money selling your products can be tough when you don't lobby corporations with billions of dollars in handouts every year and essentially take control of them. It's a good thing Bill has enough friends with the influence so he can see to it that as many people as possible will buy his vaccines. Whether they want to or not. Thankfully, we have nice new fancy government mandates that will force most people to buy these poisonous "vaccines" from Bill and his friends.

Good for you, Bill! A 20:1 return on your investments! All you had to do was create a fake pandemic with your friends to sell the "vaccines"!

He's coming for your kids.
Wait a second? Does he even have a license to be practicing medicine or giving health advice? Hmmmm. NO.
Did you know he was also apparently pretty well acquainted with Jeffrey Epstein? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/business/jeffrey-epstein-bill-gates.html
Are you starting to figure out why they locked the entire world down yet? It's because people started to realize what the fuck is actually going on. So, in order to prevent us from spreading the information around as fast, they told us we can't see our families and have to stay 6 feet apart from other people while wearing a mask so that they can not even read our expressions.
These sick individuals, known as the "elite", are doing their best to enslave you and everyone you know with their laws and regulations. Are you going to just sit there and let them, or will you stand up and fucking do something about it?
Fuck the government. Rule yourself.
-Crystal Human
Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.
Happy to know you are one of us
Best place to be :)
So few people, on Hive or anywhere else, seem to have woken up yet...
Keep up the good work!
#POSH https://www.facebook.com/iamatmalove/posts/10159006472473149
Nice, thanks for sharing :) I'd send you a friend request on FB but I'm banned for another day still yet lol https://www.facebook.com/crystal.human.3958/
nuff said, welcome aboard!
Curated for #informationwar (by @aagabriel)
Delegate to the @informationwar! project and get rewarded
It all makes sense when One grasps that all "governments" are for-profit corporations, that they all are owned by the same Ones, that those Ones are psychopaths, and They use Their various corporations to put on plays on the world stage for many an agenda, including wars (to Their profit, and with many sacrifices to Their sick egos - both willing (soul-diers) and unwilling ("collateral damage"). They own all the major corporations on Our planet, from publishing and media to "medicine" and research... They write the plays, cast the actors, and sell it all as "reality."
Indeed, fuck any and all controlminds, withdraw consent from the psychopathic legal/governmental system, stand sovereign on Ethical ground, and consent to (and build) a vastly better foundation.
The rabbit hole is pretty fuckin deep. Thanks for commenting :)
Interesting looking playlist, I'll give it a look later. Thanks again. Subbed on YT
Most humble thanks! I look forward to Your thoughts! Love always!