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RE: Media sensationalism is pushing me towards conspiracy theories

in #covid5 years ago

Aloha @gooddream!

There are indeed many inconsistencies. This only serves the disinformation strategy of the global elite (the powerful 1%, think of the Oxfam study or the ETH Zurich study).

The aim of disinformation is to create confusion and mistrust between people.

In addition to the well-researched information provided by independent journalists and bloggers, deliberate theories against the global elite are spread, which ensure that those people who jump on this bandwagon are branded as lunatics or conspiracy theorists, after these false staged theories are convicted by serious investigative journalism.

That is why one must always differentiate strongly.

I wrote a post about Bill Gates' psychopathic dream of mass vaccination with ID tagging, which has been dismissed as a conspiracy theory about RFID implants for years.

If you want, you can take a look at it. My posts always have references and links, so you can check them if you want.

Some other posts of mine also shed light on the background of COVID 19.

Keep it up and follow your heart. You are not alone!

May the Good be with you!


hey thanks pal... i'll dig into those posts when i get home tonight. It is appreciated!

Aloha @gooddream!

The countermovement begins!

With video of the demonstration.

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May the Good be with you!