Is this a Mass Suicide?

in #covid2 years ago

I don’t understand the anti-life camp. Specifically anti HUMAN life.

It seems like all of the policies promoted by the WEF and the WHO - all supported ignorantly by most of my fellow citizens - are being implemented to destroy economic capacity to provide for human civilization.

The Lockdowns, the masking, the vaccine mandates, the carbon tax, the war on beef, the anthropomorphic climate change scam... it goes on and on.

It took me a long time to accept the possibility that there are some very influential people, who happen to be psycho, who want you and i dead.

Circumstantial evidence is mounting.

It walks like a duck. It quacks like a duck.

So what to do about it?

  1. Don’t take another vaccine.
  2. Stock up on food.
  3. Expand your network of humans that you know, like and trust.
  4. Think for yourself.


Have you considered the possibility that your worldview seems absurd to yourself because it is not connected to reality? What's more likely, that humanity is meekly accepting a scheme for mass extermination, or that you're delusional? Where are your millions of vaccine deaths now that billions have been vaccinated? You're listening to the tales of weak-headed thinkers who invented a sinister cabal because they can't live with the fact that no one is in charge, that humanity is ruining its future without any intentional plan.

I'm not going to convince you, but please stop giving the WEF free advertising ffs. Why do you think Klaus Schwab uses sinister phrases like The Great Reset? People like you make his talking shop look important. Have you ever organized a group or event? Then you should know it's impossible to make world leaders agree on any action as drastic as banning beef. They love to talk about eating bugs, but I couldn't find any insect protein in my supermarket if I wanted to.

The CEOs who go to Davos are your enemies in their daily jobs, not in the bullshit they talk about at Davos to look like a progressive do-gooder. They will do whatever it takes to make the most profit, and they won't give a fuck whether that makes you more or less free.

Great response with a lot of nuggets of truth and a little ignorance.

I agree that the clowns at the WEF and the WHO are an absurd group of idiots that should be ignored.

As far as the millions of covid vaccine deaths and disabilities. These facts are best outlined in Edward Dowd's work;

Look if you want to.