The numbers have finally been drilled down a bit with covid deaths in my home provence of about 1 million population. We have had 51 deaths attributed to covid and 45 of them have been from one old age home in the capital city where an outbreak occurred in a facility that has the occupants sharing rooms.
Our entire provence has been shut down for close to two month when what should have happened in the old age home should have been sealed up tight as a drum.
Anyway with that context now out in the open the following clip seemed to have a lot more relevance to me. Enjoy! ✌️😷
How much percent is that? 5-6% death rate?
Dude, way wackier than death by driving. The math should be something like....
omg... 0.1% is low, but that what you said is ridiculous...
Aint it just. All those time at the daily briefings as deaths were announce local journalists would ask where in the provence they took place and the standard answer would be, "At this time for privacy and respect for the families we cannot answer that." If everyone knew it was from one fucking old age home they may not have been so happy about sitting at home for two months and watching their businesses going down the toilet. This has been a wealth grab of unimaginable proportions.
In my country, we have more than 100 deaths and presently now nobody knows when it is even going talkless of stopping.
People are getting feared day by day. Although most people said the virus kill more old age than youth but the fact is that it is still killing youth all around the world.
When is this going to stop, nobody knows or perhaps you have an idea?
Numbers are being fudged. There is no question that this is a nasty respitory flu which kills. That happens each and every year. Right now our death per capita of population in my provence is 0.0051%. Certainly nothing to lock down the entire fucking world. My feeling is that capitalism was crashing as Marx had predicted and they are planning to blame it on the flu.