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My Grandfather, RAF RAAF Nav, participated in Op highjump, both expeditions.
Yep, the South "pole" lol :) Operation Fishbowl was also very enlightening. Shooting missiles at the firmament, trying to "shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling". Google Loon's "satellites" are dropping like flies now as well.
The Name of the mentioned Author is Christopher Jon Bjerknes
His Website: https://cjbbooks.com/books/
Adam Green's Channels:
https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/know-more-news/
Imported resources if you want to know why the hole world is in the state it is today
're-search' what a powerful spell in deed
Does Max endorse flat earth now?
No, I agree with him though that the divisive banter between the spinning ball people versus the "flat tards" is not helpful at all. We have more time-sensitive topics that must be dealt with right now, like exposing the davos group and their many control-grid/genocidal agendas. Oh, and planting some fruit trees, guerrilla gardening as well :)
Max' position on flat earth made sense - while there's problems with the prevalent globe model flat earth proponents cause division instead of focusing on what can be proved as true. Max' comments about the "truth movement" being manipulated by division is accurate. We need to to focus on what's proven - right now we need to expose the medial martial law agenda.