Daily Meditation to Ease Fears over Coronavirus

in #covid195 years ago

Hello my Hive!

I think it is time we swarmed around the center of what humanity has been thrust into as of late – FEAR.

The vast majority of people living on Earth have been shocked into survival mode. The survival instinct is very powerful. Without it, we wouldn’t have survived throughout the ages, of course.

But we were meant for so much more.

The Problem

Before all this pandemic paranoia and medical martial law, the overall consciousness of humanity was reaching a new level. People around the globe were taking to the streets to protest the oppressive system that they knew had been working against their best interest for some time. Hong Kong was the most extreme and well-known example of this, but there were countless other nations experiencing similar protests over the past year and more.

How did those who pull the strings of the system respond?

By unleashing an engineered bioweapon, whipping up a frenzy of panic, and locking down populations.

That’s a loaded statement and probably a lot to take in for anyone who has only been watching the news that’s allowed to be shown on the TV. I won’t be getting into all of that here, but if you’re interested, you can get a lot of information from this 1-hour radio broadcast, among other sources:


The Solution

So, what’s the solution? We can’t take to the streets. That’s now been made illegal. Maybe one day people will get so fed up with things that they will do that. But for now, let's look at other options.

We don’t have any human rights at the moment, at least not in America, thanks to something called the State Model Emergency Health Powers Act (again, something I won’t be getting into. both because of how in-depth it is and because of how depressing/fearful it can be). Doing anything in the physical realm isn’t an option at present.

Therefore, let’s go for something bigger. Let’s try something that has been done before, but never under these circumstances or for this purpose.

I’m talking about a worldwide meditation focus. To raise the collective consciousness and turn it away from fear as much as possible.

Think about it – what more perfect time has there ever been to conduct such an experiment? Most people are sitting at home anyway. And while some will be too scared to even sit down and close their eyes, there will be many others who will jump at the chance participate.

How to Go About This

It’s simple. Every day at 11:11 AM, beginning on April 11th, just meditate on peace, tranquility, and calm. Breathe deeply and steadily while focusing on these thoughts and clearing your mind. Sit in a comfortable position where your body sensations won’t distract you (like if you have your legs crossed and your foot falls asleep, for example).

Those new to meditation may find it best to sit on a pillow with your back against a wall. This way, you maintain good posture for breathing and should feel comfortable enough to maintain focus.

Try to keep your focus for as long as possible, ideally until 12 PM. I know I won’t make it that long myself most of the time, but it’s a good goal to aim for. Even meditating for a few minutes can be hard, but it makes a difference in you. And because we are all connected, that difference in you creates a chain reaction that can impact much more than yourself.

So, that’s step one. Step two is to spread the word.

Tell everyone. Make this a trending topic on every social media network in the world, starting with Hive.

We can have a peaceful revolution without leaving our homes. Hopefully things never reach a point where people need to take to the streets in droves. That would be a very bad thing, because doing so has been made illegal and militarized police have been trained in dealing with domestic insurrection.


During the weekend of April 4th and 5th, a similar initiative was undertaken. Worldwide, people meditated for an end to the coronavirus. The following week, it seems that the number of new cases has plateaued in many areas, and China has begun reopening its national economy.

While it’s possible to argue that the timing was coincidental, or the worst is not really over, the virus is still going to come back, etc., there’s another, more important lesson to be learned here.
It’s important to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.

The outcome desired – in this case, a reduction in fear and a raising in consciousness – is the only thing to keep in mind.

All too often, those of us who have already become aware of the plans by those in power to concentrate control and increase authority of the masses (plans that have long since been made public, by the way, and have been underway for millennia and achieved via secret covenants and organizations spanning generations, all hidden in plain sight) tend to help those plans come to fruition without even realizing it.

It’s easy to think “oh no, it’s happening, there’s no turning back, we’re too late,” or something along those lines. It seems like since certain plans are moving ahead, other ones must be destined to come true as well. But thinking like this only makes it more likely.

By focusing on something like the Mark of the Beast, for example, and thinking that we’re all going to be forcefully vaccinated and microchipped as a result of this pandemic, it only gives more form to those ideas and makes them even more likely to become reality.


On April 10th, Ventura County in Southern California announced that the gathering of two or more people is outlawed. People there officially have no right to assemble AT ALL. Liquor stores and pot shops remain open, but churches? Not allowed.