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RE: Vaccine Hesitancy Solved

in #covid193 years ago

So lots here - thanks for responding! Some quickies:

"As far as vaccines, the 'Comiarty' brand by Pfizer has been approved as of August. As far as treatments, there are FDA approved treatments including remdesivir which is an antiviral, among others."

  • If you read the approval letter it's conditional on studies to be completed in 2-4 years
  • Thee EUA for pfizer, moderna, J&J is conditional on there being no approved treatment. When Moderna is shelved, Pfizer is approved. The EUA was renewed for moderna and the pfizer trial in parallel to the 'approval' letter - there is no currently available approved vaccine.

It's kind of like calling people unvaccinated if they only have 1 shot. COVID - in the US - kills you even if you're also dying of cancer or old age (each of which has additionally killed more daily than covid every day since the dawn of the pandemic). The vaccine only has adverse effects if you've had 2 shots for > 2 weeks. This isn't an objective way to think. If we counted 'vaccine' cases like wee count 'covid' cases how different would the death counts look?

Again - the point here is we're using tortured definitions because we're hiding something. That's why science always requires a control. We have no controls here - no controlled vaccine trials - no controlled definitions (we even changed the definition of a vaccine last week) - no controlled measures (read PCR cycle threshold). We can assume all we like about what is effective and what isn't, it's a fact that this measurement is not objective - it's purely subjective and changed with the intention of creating a narrative.

To speculate I think the goal is to get folks like you and I to argue about things we both can't prove instead of focus on evaluating the abysmal performance of those in charge. The pandemic is not under control - the folks calling the shots are failing regardless of the measures you use. When the rest of us extract ourselves from the noise and apply pressure & accountability we'll be able to move past this.

Final data question:

  • Herd immunity at 80-90% to slow down, per your note
  • 200M vaccinated in the USA
  • 42.2M cases
  • Assume some overlap because cases can also be vaccinated - so estimates 70% herd immunity today

How is it possible to have 3x more daily cases, and 1.5x more death in August 2021 than in July 2020 with 60-70% of the country 'protected' from the virus vs. 0% the previous year?

My operating theory (evolved from when I last posted): The vaccine does protect folks from the original virus strain, but renders immune systems incapable of fighting variants.

the theory explainedSupporting info: