Time and time again the people at the top or bottom who uses their voice to expose the hypocritical actions or events of the people, businesses or politicians around them are systematically destroyed in all faucets of their lives.
In a debt based society, this leaves people grasping to morally deprived positions on such serious issues as forcing experimental drugs on us all through extortion and the promise of a better tomorrow. The very same people who did gain of function research is spearheading this vaxx push, not to mention key players with the 9/11 scam.
How many times does our governments have to lie and kill their own people or allow major corporations take our resources before we say stop. This is not what we wanted,for example the last USA stimulus, we saw only 5-10% actually go to Americans. Rest went to other countries.
This is high level circle jerk corruption and our fellow human wants us to listen blindly to the people who broke the window we didn't really need anyways and then force us to buy all new windows. Ok force us to pay taxes for transgendered library time but endless wars in the middle east and forced experimental vaccinations? This is only re-allocating tax money world wide and funneling it into the pockets of the people pushing everything. Profiteering plutocrats. Nevermind that the central banks who created such a atmosphere of debt, capital gains on debt and aimless money printing.
Loved the post man. I kind of rambled on this one. Glad to see people using their voice and taking a stand for individual rights over corrupt governments not representative of the citizens.
I guess I just want to ask...
Did punk rock die when Occupy Wall Street died?
Thanks for your comments :)
Yes, I will go as far as to point out that it is even worse than a debt based society. We are experiencing the shadow of a death based society. Consider how 'normal' it is that 95% of all animals are bread to be killed for food, many people are starving globally, yet we already grow enough plants to feed all humans.. So we could have no starvation and no murder of animals without needing to do a whole lot - yet we don't.
It's key to realise that governmental democracies have been set up since virtually the beginning to be false fronts to give the impression of people power when there is very little.
Many generations have their own counter culture that actually seeks healthy change. The reasons they don't achieve it are based in our collective lack of awareness of the causes of the problems within our own unconscious selves. We are all connected more than we realise and we are often facing our own reflection in the form of unloving actions in 'others' who are our mirrors. A lot of meditation will tend to uncover how we run our own inner government in our mind - dictating to our emotions what are the acceptable ones to feel and how to 'act' - instead of allowance of unconditional self acceptance.
The more we each individually accept all of ourselves, the more our subtle energies can be free and this will create unexpected changes in society for the better.
Where our free will takes us is up/down to us, but transformation of power structures and economic balance is 100% essential!
Thanks for being you!