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RE: More Mask Information That You Wont Hear From Mainstream Media

in #covid195 years ago

You jump to some pretty definitive conclusions even experts aren't sure about yet. Nobody is saying that there is NO asymptomatic transmission. The most we can say for certain is that if you're not coughing, you're probably not spreading through the air, at least not very far from your person.
While masks may not be the sole reasons, countries, states, provinces, and regions that adopted masks in the early stages of the pandemic have all had far lower rates of transmission. This, of course, could be because people in those places follow social distancing better.
Cloth masks don't keep the virus out, but they do stop you from transmitting in a few small ways. If you cough/sneeze, or if you spit when you talk, your spit isn't going to fly all over nearby surfaces when you're wearing a cloth mask.
I would also call out your title, but you seem to have revised your post and I absolutely applaud you for backing down on a previous overstatement.
The Coronavirus is still a new frontier that we do not know everything about. Studying it as it happens makes it extremely difficult to be certain of everything.


Please stop this craziness over a false sense of security!

The masks are not worn properly or sterilized, they do nothing!!!

Not everyone wears and uses their masks improperly... I'm sorry you live in a place where people do. The masks aren't just a sense of security when used properly.

This is inside an actual hospital room!!


Well the Mayo Clinic disagrees with that hospital. Not all doctors are equal, and I value people who RESEARCH illnesses far more than people who simply treat them when it comes to recommendations.

So there are varying opinions, why the fuck would or should people have their lives torn apart over medical confusion.

Let people live that are not immuno-compromised and anyone that is high risk should keep their asses home or wear a hypoxia inducing mask whenever they go out amongst the healthy...


Because people who aren't high risk are having complications at increasing rates. As in young, healthy people, particularly men. If it turns out that me wearing a mask was endangering me the whole time, it doesn't matter to you one bit. Me wearing a mask is not any more dangerous to you than me not wearing a mask in any situation. If the virus was able to get in my mask, it would've got in my lungs anyway without a mask.

It started as a recommendation and ended up as a forced item. Not long ago when you felt sick you stayed at home until you got better. Where did the common sense go? Out the window.1wzdbd.jpg

Well of course you stay home when you're sick! However, there are two states in which you'd not know you were sick: asymptomatic, and presymptomatic. While asymptomatic spread is not very likely, presymptomatic spread is about 75% as likely as symptomatic spread. Of course we all know about presymptomatic stages as many respiratory infections, most notably the flu, have a presymptomatic stage that can last up to two weeks where the infection lays 'dormant,' infection more cells within the body while hiding it's symptoms.

Read the entire fucking sign! Don't spout off bullshit fake science about a virus they know nothing about.
