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RE: Pharmageddon: The Crony Capitalist, Corporate Genocide

in #covid193 years ago

If your in the USSA this info most applies. This is very likely (given the timing) why the mask mandates in the USSA started getting reversed when they did. This is Randy Kelton. One man's work. Randy covers his claim that got the filed against the Texas governor and got his 180 page complaint in front of the Grand Jury which means the governor had to consider that he could have been indited facing jail time. Randy was told the Jury was taking a month because they had to read every page. Within two weeks of Randy's complaints getting in front of the Grand Jury, the governor reversed all 20 of his unconstitutional Covaids executive orders. No indictment but the orders got reversed. Shortly after many states followed.

Alphonse Faggiolo follows Randy and builds on this taking it above the "citizen" into the living man. Alphonse uses Randy's work and techniques when he does that. It is a lot to learn, but it is powerful.