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RE: More Mask Information That You Wont Hear From Mainstream Media

in #covid195 years ago

And from the New England Journal of Medicine "Perspective" 21 May 2020:

"We know that wearing a mask
outside health care facilities of-
fers little, if any, protection from
infection. Public health authori-
ties define a significant exposure
to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact
within 6 feet with a patient with
symptomatic Covid-19 that is sus-
tained for at least a few minutes
(and some say more than 10 min-
utes or even 30 minutes). The
chance of catching Covid-19 from
a passing interaction in a public
space is therefore minimal. In
many cases, the desire for wide-
spread masking is a reflexive re-
action to anxiety over the pan-