Canadian Vaccine Injury Tally Update: Thrombocytopenia Becoming Very Common

in #covid193 years ago (edited)


This first week of February saw another 222 severe vaccine injuries/deaths as (under)reported by Health Canada. For last week's numbers, click here. The cumulative tally now sits at 5,949. Most injuries were the following:

+100 Thrombocytopenia
+9 cardiac arrest, failure or attack
+14 myocarditis
+16 circulatory
+23 bell's palsy
+2 miscarriage
+10 deaths (287 total)

11 Feb 2022 A.png11 Feb 2022 B.png11 Feb 2022 C.png11 fEb 2022 D.png


Wow, is that 10 more deaths just this week, or over 2 weeks? Either way, nasty...
I hear a lot of people who work at funeral homes, and coroners, are pulling massive clots out of people. Like rubberized material or something, feet long sometimes.

So.... 355 deaths in total (including healthy unborn babies)? :(
Hard to !LUV that figure...
Especially since it has not even been 355 days since the vaccine rollout last March.
More than 1 person dying every day, and accelerating!!

Those are only the reported deaths.

Yes! These numbers are very underestimated. According to Dr. Charles Hoffe of B.C., even if a person has a cooperative doctor they can go to, the forms are most often unjustly rejected by Health Canada. The number can be increased 10 or 20 fold according to him.

Yes, very true. Also stillbirths are not even listed on here, that's weird.

The 10/20 fold rule is not only by him again i might be wrong but this is common knowledge in their business.

And makes sense here in the Netherlands when u die and there is a crime involved only then they do an autopsy. Which basically comes down to a doctor just guessing how you died and results in a natural death on paper.

When you say "this is common knowledge in their business" are you referring to just the covid vaccine or something more general?

im referring to the 10/20 fold rule when it comes to reporting side effects i think most experts agree on this.

Shenanigans two weeks in a row...hmmmm!