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RE: WTF is a COVID Third Wave?

in #covid194 years ago

As far as COVID 19 being deadly, I think time will show that far less people died this year of all causes than had died last year or the year before. A deadly pandemic would surely kill more people than normal life and death situations have killed using year on year comparisons.
The deaths due to bacterial pneumonia, economic strife and psychological tragedies as a result of COVID 19 measures will surely be felt for at least a decade to come.


A deadly pandemic would surely kill more people than normal life and death situations have killed using year on year comparisons.

The number of excess deaths is indeed a clear indication that far more people are dying than a normally given year, but that's not even the only factor. People getting sick isn't always just getting a cough and then moving on.

People I know personally have been stuck with chronic suffering for months after contracting the virus, other people now have permanent damage to their bodies, and so on.

You also have other people dying because hospitals are overwhelmed. You might say 'but the hospitals are empty' or not at capacity, but in some regions in the US - I believe california hit the news lately for it hence their lockdown, hospitals are at capacity. Then consider other countries that aren't as well equipped as the US or Western Europe.

Then consider how India has a logistic nightmare that could take years before the vaccine is fully distributed, making the entire process useless for them as the virus shifts around like chickenpox.

You can keep making excuses and blaming the breakdown of the economy for deaths or the flu, and to some extent these are true; people do die from the flu, people do die from poverty. And more people may die from those things in this current times.

But that doesn't mean you can say these things outweigh direct damage from Covid. even 0.5% deaths of 1 billion is 5,000,000. 5% critical is 50,000,000. 15% severe is 150,000,000 people in need of oxygen tanks.

You'll need a good few doctorates, a lot of research funding, and a ton of imagination to prove these numbers are insignificant to society.