The Mass Psychosis of the Covaids Cult

in #covid193 years ago

The Mass Psychosis of the Covaids Cult

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Study Finds The Most Highly-Educated Americans Are Also The Most Vaccine-Hesitant

27 vaccinated people test positive for Covid on a Carnival cruise ship:

How the Delta variant upends assumptions about the coronavirus:

Roadmap to disaster? | Israeli gov't wants to microchip kids for 'safety':

Moderna names Australia among potential locations for COVID vaccine trial on children aged 6 months to 12 years:

Fauci says everybody will likely need a Covid vaccine booster shot eventually:

How This Warning from Dr. Fauci May Equal Higher Revenue for Moderna:

Wcw Exposé: Fauci Spent $424k On Beagle Experiments, Dogs Bitten To Death By Flies:

Check out today’s video..!


I spoke to soon, before I watched the video. Anyway, thanks for the words, they always uplift even if that may not have been the intention. I was thinking yesterday about the feeling that I perceive the world revolving around me, and maybe only I exist. But whenever I have that thought I know that there are billions who are having the same thought. We are in this together, like it or not.

Australia imprisoned by military and commie politicians… Argentina signing agreements with nearby countries to install the digital vaxx passport… I feel like doors are closing. Hope all the awakened get to safe spaces before complete lockdown… Crazy to see what is happening.

Please don’t stop live streaming the apocalypse! Your walks with Lucy including your ramblings are keeping me sane!

I'm happy to hear it's good where Jeff is at in Mexico, but here in the Riviera Maya (I live in Tulum), there is still too many brainwashed sheep walking around. I fear the the future here honestly.

I love Tulum, been there several times in the past few years, I currently live in GDL, so I'm hoping I can get in that development near Vallarta. The last time I went to Tulum was last October and yes, most people are brainwashed. We rented a place on a quiet, mostly locals street. Later in the evening I went to an abarrotes to get some beer. There were bars separating the store from the sidewalk, you can't walk in the little store, there is absolutely nobody else around, I'm staying behind as much as I can, I ask for the beer, and the lady (a local) refuses to sell me the beer because I have no mask on. I kindly explained I'm no danger etc., and she just wouldn't. I walked away, took off my wifebeater(tank top) and wrapped it around my face. She recognized me of course and couldn't help but laugh, so I laughed. She still refused to sell me the damn beer, until I just put the money on the little platform and said, "come one, enough, just sell me the beer please", so she did. it's fckn' ridiculous!

I've shared that story of the Chinese farmer more than a few times, and each time, they always express how thankful they are that I shared. This was certainly my favorite walk-n-talk yet, and I've been watching everything you put out since CoV-Aids started. Grateful for you Jeff <3 & Lucy of-course! Thanks for still sharing, I know it won't be forever!

will bomb Negreanu from now on with covaids facts and that he is a duchebag LMFAO what a loser.. does this $$$ focused evil energy even know the harm he is spreading? does he even know how better off some brypto ppl are then he most likely is (not that it even means anything)??? anybody reporting others on social media are what they are especially after taking money.. but tbh, it doesn't even matter LMFAO what a negative soul..

They Live We Sleep

How aboutWe Live They Sleep :D

Remember - The more crazy this gets, the more "doubters" are awakening. Ca. 30% fully sheeples, 30% in doubt and 40% No-Vaxx. Took this from a Danish Thinks Tank CEPOS, Quick survey on Twitter - and i think that number is pretty Universal.
No doubt the Mid-Group - will flood to the No-Vaxx'ers as the numbers dead by the Jabs, begins to show up.

Dr Vladimir Zelenko is obviously from Brooklyn, not Israel. He sounds sort of like Fauci & is Hasidic.

Jesus is the only way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Him. John 14:6. The observations seem to be right but by leaving the Word of God and Jesus out of the conversation is where the deception lies within you. You cannot save yourself and those who decide to try and save themselves and not accept the free gift of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, then those will have a rude awakening. The Word of God is clear, those who reject the Lord Jesus Christ will be cast out and thrown into Hell where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. It will not be like you say Jeff where you will return to consciousness or whatever, there's only two places, one is hell and one is heaven. Choose the narrow door to life through Jesus Christ. Everything else is deception, including your current adopted ideas that were adopted in a lie, instead of obtaining your ideas through the only source or truth and true Authority, that is in Jesus Christ and the Word of God, which are one and the same. I've been praying for you that the Lord opens your eyes and you may be a witness to all of your followers and lead many to the Kingdom of Heaven. That is my hope for you and your family.

Actually, Buddhists and Hasidic Jews seem like really awake, peaceful people to me. I have never seen them aggress against anyone. On the contrary, I think you can save yourself actually, instead of waiting for someone else to come along and save you. I believe (like you) that there was some sort of creator of all this too, but I also see the value in other people's opinions about all this. We must take this precious test that we have been given, and save ourselves. Demonizing others for their beliefs, just demonizes yourself.

yes Ken exactly.....have faith in yourself and save yourself, no matter what anyone says only you can do that, no one else....depending on others to make a situation better is asinine and further prolongs whatever the problem may be without resolution....take charge of your own destiny

Its not that complicated, a PH.D is a Philosophy doctorate whether you attain it in medicine, economics, history, politics, geography, mathematics, science, following a specialist pathway going onward to a professorship, yep 30 years of specialising. In most reputable Universities/colledges your lecturers all have a PhD in their feild or are working toward it by publishing their work. If you sit on the rght wing but cannot see the heirarchy of intellect, you might be over looking the cream for the milk.

I wonder have Jeff studied Krishna or read the Bhagavad Gita. A lot of that spiritual stuff he talks about is in the Gita, Bhagavatam, and other dharmic books.

So good, had to watch it twice

Covid-19 'vax' adverse events (all time): 466,642 total events in USA


Jeff you are under the illusion that Mexico is different than other countries.....WRONG....I watch a lot of Mexican YouTube videos and everyone of them you see most of the people wearing masks and acting like the sheep in the rest of the world, so stop saying Mexico is different it is not and you are proving it by what is happening there now

There're lots of sheep and indoctrinated ppl down here in Mex. too, but very few trusts the govt. Here and is quite easy to bend or get around the rules. I'm glad I made the move coming here and not staying in Canada.

New censored, cryptic-camouflaged, Censortube-permissable version of "TOTAL CONTROL", after a weeks ban punishment for sharing inconvenient truths..