What Bothers me Most About This Pandemic is How Much We don't know; and all the Argumentative People -

in #covid194 years ago

I could see if we Actually Tried it.
If we actually all sat home for 2-3 weeks,
socially distanced while out,
wore masks .... and actually really tried to quarantine, as a collective. If we did all that, and still lost 500,000 people ... I could see people saying 'man this ain't real!'

But, that never happened.


image source

Over a year later; still debates; still arguments. so much we still don't know b/c we .. as a collective .. never got on the same page.

Do masks work? we don't 'really know' -- b/c we didn't do the work to test the theory. Half the country went with it, the other half did NOT. So we'll never 'truly' know ...

Same with everything else. But that's what I mean when I say, seemingly a lot of people are inflicted with argumentativeness. They wanna argue for the sake of arguing.

The people who refused to cooperate, had no evidence their 'idea' was solid; we saw several stories of covid deniers, who ended up catching covid AND dying --- would they have died anyways?

We'll never know; because people have spent so much time arguing; That's really what makes the vaccine problematic for so many people. Some people just taking the shot - for argument sake; Read that again - they don't know what's in it; they don't know what side effects may come - but since everything is an argument, seems like people just pick the side that's most comfortable.

That's people - always doing what's 'comfortable' ... despite the outcomes.

  • not wearing a Mask, is comfortable - despite all the people who've died.
  • not agreeing with 'liberals' is comfortable to conservatives these days;