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RE: Your Comments On The Cancel Culture And Zeroing of Viral Posts on Hive By Curangel.

in #covid193 years ago

The risk from COVID19 to children is almost non existent and the risk to them from the shots is also almost non-existent (but perhaps slightly more than COVID19 itself). We are talking a small fraction of a percent in either case.

The only public data on the actual harm being done by the shots comes from the public adverse reaction databases which I have already analysed and published data from. They are known to be inaccurate and involve drastic under-reporting. I don't know if anyone knows the correct figure for adverse reactions or deaths from the shots, but it is possible that more people will die from the shots than from COVID19. As stated, part of the problem is that many problems caused by the shots are very similar to COVID19 (unsurprisingly), so people are being logged as COVID19 deaths when they are actually vaccine deaths.


"As stated, part of the problem is that many problems caused by the shots are very similar to COVID19 (unsurprisingly), so people are being logged as COVID19 deaths when they are actually vaccine deaths."

Do you have evidence of that? My understanding is that viral tests will not show a positive test result as a result of a vaccine but only of the virus. I don't think deaths are GENERALLY declared as covid deaths unless there is a positive test for covid (though I don't doubt you could find anecdotal examples of that not being true).

The evidence goes back many months and comes from all angles. With regard to deaths being attributed to COVID that clearly weren't due to COVID, there are many, many testimonies from Doctors and nurses around the world to this - but we also have it publicly explained by top government health people. The following video demonstrates the general (failed) policy in the US:

This was also the case in Italy, UK and other places. We can also talk about how hospitals are financially incentivised to log deaths as COVID19 but that is a side issue.

A very large number of people who have been logged as COVID19 deaths were never even tested. That is again the case for the UK, US and elsewhere. In fact, there have been almost no autopsies performed on these people either:

Several high ranking pathologists have stated that they have identified that a high percentage of the deaths they have seen at autopsy (the few that are being done) were due to the vaccines and not due to COVID19:

My understanding is that viral tests will not show a positive test result as a result of a vaccine but only of the virus.

As stated, many people logged as COVID deaths have not even been tested at all. However, generally speaking there have been significant problems with the tests, with or without the presence of a vaccine. The Australian vaccine was cancelled because people were testing posting for HIV after having it because it contained aspects of the HIV virus. To my knowledge it is also possible to test possible for SARS CoV2 after having had a vaccine, but the whole topic is a mess, not least because the PCR tests are flawed. The PCR process has already long been shown to identify cases of Influenza as COVID19 because the codes are so similar.

Another key problem is that people are being logged as 'unvaccinated' until 14 days after their last shot. This means that many people have died after a shot and are a logged as both unvaccinated and therefore also as a COVID19 death. This is criminal negligence or worse, yet it is happening.

Now you've shifted the argument. People dying being labeled covid deaths when they have multiple comorbitities and COVID not being the root cause or even a significant factor is different than saying it's really the vaccine causing the deaths.

Or are you saying that if someone died in a car crash and they were vaccinated then it must have been the vaccine that caused the death? :)