..but he can say that actually. The CDC, NIH, WHO, NHS, and others have all admitted that covid was never even isolated. Even the mainstream media says that covid has a 99% survival rate. Jeff Berwick, Max Igan, David Icke, Highimpact Flix and others have all shown those corporate documents online, and in their videos.
This short video also explains how big pharma has convinced so many people to buy (and bribed) their injections and drugs:
https://dollarvigilante.tv/videos/watch/18a326c8-e160-4eaa-8266-3cd5f5711874 (a must watch!)
Of course I could be wrong about all of this, but what I do know is that if I get sick (maybe once per year during "flu" season), I do NOT go to a hospital, that's for damn sure. Detox, hydrate, oxygenate and alkalize. Some sun and a brisk walk in the park does a body good. :)