Vaxdemic: An Outbreak Caused By Experimental Gene Therapy

in #covidvaccine3 years ago

Vaxdemic: An Outbreak Caused By Experimental Gene Therapy

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Check out today’s video..!


I'm loving the Pirate remix! <3

Thanks for helping me laugh at all this Jeff!--I align with your attitude the most <3

The "Jesuit oath" is a fabrication by the forger Robert Ware. The masons invaded the Catholic Church. The modern Jesuits are masons. To be a Jesuit you must be Catholic. Being a mason is automatic excommunication from the Church. The Jesuit order in fact does not exist currently.

Jeff, I am from Germany - don't fall for the deception and propaganda from BILD. BILD is yellow press and a mouthpiece of the German government. Friede Springer owns the majority of shares of Axel Springer publishing group to which BILD belongs. She is a personal friend of Chancellor Merkel. This is a well known fact in Germany. It appears, as if the most far reaching and most well known mainstream media newspaper outlet in Germany now cared and even regretted their misinformation, fearmongering and propaganda during the plandemic. This is obviously wrong and should sound the alarm. The children have to wear medical face masks all day indoors, keep physical distance from one another etc. The reopening of schools, private and public, will require the students to have PCR Tests taken from them in certified test centers every two days. The frequent testing with fake tests will result in a huge number of false positive test results which are needed to justify the entirely unscientific and horrendous injection campaign for children with a lot of injuries and even deaths among them. Positive test results will enable the government to test the parents and everybody else as well who is is considered a close contact to the respective child. In case of a positive test result self-quarantine will be imposed . If you are poor and have no spare room where you can lock up your positive testing child according to the instructions of the 'health authorities' they can take your child away from you 'for the duration of the pandemic'. You also will be fined with up to 25.000 EUR if you don't comply with the mandates. If you don't send your children to school, you might have to face prison time and the children might be taken away from you. (Home-schooling and unschooling are not allowed in Germany.)

I want to add something to my previous post. I watched the video clip with BILD boss Julian Reichelt in German. He actually argues against the school closings and the lift of compulsory schooling during the early lockdowns. In his view this has violated the children's right to learn in schools and would have saved them from (parental) violence and he demands to re-open the schools without exceptions. But this is official government policy. It is not necessary to demand it.
The point is that 1) not all parents want their children conditioned and indoctrinated in government schools, 2) there might have been cases of parental violence but the violence from the government and the authorities to which many teachers in Germany belong (they are lifelong Beamte - civil servants) to enforce the 'Covid rules' is in most cases paramount, 3) they took away the option during the first lockdowns to take your child out of school for homeschooling, 4) additional to the mask mandates, social distancing and handwashing they now enforcing the test mandates (every student have to be tested every two days). If you don't want nasal swabs from the government you have to pay for spit tests (rapid tests) for each of your child yourself. But you have to do it in a certified test center (around 20,- EURs for one test).
In essence: If you don't want to send your children to a government school you are probably dangerous and the government should take appropriate actions. This is how I understand Julian Reichelt from BILD. Maybe I got him wrong.

Jeff you have to say "zee" for "the" when imitating Satan Klaus. Lol

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Australia is full NAZI. So terrible.

watch Europa on bitchute - seems to be a good perspective on nazi germany and hitler