Vaxville: The Total Enslavement of the Human Race Engineered by Kill Gates and Satan Klaus

in #covidvaccine4 years ago

Vaxville: The Total Enslavement of the Human Race Engineered by Kill Gates and Satan Klaus

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Check out today’s video..!


Promote HIVE more in your videos and we will support YOU!!

Don't you just love it when Hive pays people to drive traffic away from the platform, like this? There's no content here in this post. It's an advertisement for content hosted elsewhere and a waste of resources here since the money typically involved in advertising is going in the wrong/opposite direction.

I assume you posted your comment on peakd or hiveblog? and do not support embedded peertube videos yet, but does. So for now, the posts on those 2 sites just send you to the site which works great. Hopefully they'll add support soon. Check out the first embedded video here:

Peakd, yes. All I see is link spam, basically. Clicked your link out of curiosity and was led to an even more confusing consumer experience.

I clicked whatever thumbnail that was you provided, from two months ago or something, again out of curiosity, and was sent to some random post produced by daltono, about six hours ago, and that had nothing to do with anything.

Meanwhile Dbuzz is saying I must 'reload', which seems odd because I don't ever remember visiting that site but okay, I reload. I click your link again. Now things look differently? Now there's something pink above the thumbnail that sent me on this strange journey. And it's some random shit about Nazi's? Well for sure I'm not interested now.

Thanks. Nearly five years here and this has been probably one of the worst consumer experiences of my life.

My 5 year rant is similar... Not gonna lie 😐


And what is Peertube? Is that a Hive based product? Never heard of it.

I've never heard of daltono, not sure what that is. Peertube though is a federated P2P streaming server (so that you get served the video from multiple seeders instead of bogging down one server). Remember Napster? Take a look at the website. They use the Hive-Tube plugin which adds functionality from the Hive blockchain to their streaming server. Peakd is awesome too, I use it daily. I use the site every now and then too if I just want to "tweet" out something short and sweet. Lots of cool apps and sites plugging in to the Hive chain now :)

Here here!

This is what i meant by my earlier statement just now. ✌😎🥓👍


Daltono is a member here; I know him a little bit. I will never be able to explain how that showed up out of the blue after clicking what I thought was what you wanted me to click. That was my experience and I managed to pull off the same series of events twice.

I can look on the bright side as well. Yes, Hive has a lot of good going for it. But sometimes we run into these issues where nothing seems to gel.

I'm never impressed though when I see these accounts post links to content hosted elsewhere, rather posting the actual instance of content here then attempting to drive consumers our way. This place is dying for consumers. Sometimes these are some well known brand name creators, yet when they post here, often the views on peakd don't even reach ten, and the comment section is a barren wasteland. I'm left feeling like folks would rather take everything for granted and treat the place like a dumping ground, scrape a few pennies off the floor, then move on to the next crypto platform to milk...

Here is why I don't promote HIVE. Ya'll are the whiniest bunch of people in crypto. TDV will promote what it wants to promote.

U what?

U what, indeed.

I for one like having TDV around...
And im glad their layer of TV service runs on it.



My experience so far is something like: Who? What? I don't even see any content here...

And yes part of me is just playing dumb to make a point. Also, I learned something new. Which is what I get for opening my big mouth.

I can relate...
And i completely get your point.

I appreciate the fact that you engaged with it in the first place and Constructively Criticized it!

I expect @jeffberwick to do a show on this now and have us as callers... Or soon 😐👍

Either way you got the ball moving.


I criticize shit with the goal of seeing an improvement at some point. That's all. I've seen noob 'introduceyourself' posts produced by first time publishers pieced together better than this apparent professional's latest offering here. A couple months back I was seeing similar junk posts 'trending', where the instance of actual content is located elsewhere, and all we get here is the goddamn video description. That's what I'm seeing again here. A commentator here I think twice hinted that I should go visit that site. NO. Why pay people to drive traffic away? That's ass backwards. So I'm done talking about it.

Please for HIVE!!!

Klaus anal schwab is voldemort

Keep up the great work Jeff. Kill Gate can go pound tacos.

There wasn't a button at the end of the page for me to purchase the tdv summit. Please advise...
Many thanks Jeff!

Another great video! It's hard to believe that there are so many sheeple people out there!!! I'm awake...wide awake!
Thanks for all the great videos Jeff!!!

Thank you, Jeff & Team for all the info & research. Greatly appreciated.

Fucking lol 😆

i bought in at 0.00008877 btc, feeling blessed, thanks for the tacos & kissus jeff n` Lucy