By Mary Fatima Aziz M.D.
April 12,2020
In January 1960, President Dwight Eisenhower gave his famous Farewell Speech. Not only did he speak of the Military Industrial Complex, but he also spoke of the Scientific Technological Elite. Is not the present situation with the COVID 19 Virus an example of this ELITE gone wild and run amok??? Government or Statesmanship according to “IKE” should rule over Science of this ELITE and not vis-a-versa!!! Otherwise Democracy and Freedom themselves are threatened. Has not the Discredited Imperial College Model from England interferred to put economic hardship on millions of Americans and put the USA on a possibly disasterous economic course that could Result in another GREAT DEPRESSION!!!
President Eisenhower Stated:
“The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.
Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.
It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system - ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society.”
Is it not a Duty and Requirement of the Office of the Presidency of the USA to do as Eisenhower suggested: It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system - ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society? Is this pattern being presently followed in the case of COVID 19 or is Science Run Amok overruling Statesmanship? Can Eisenhower's Goal of maintaining Democracy and a Free Society be achieved in the Presence of a True Economic Depression with all the Social and Political Upheavals that accompany such a Depression? The ANSWER is a resounding NO!!!!!
Thomas Jefferson states in The Declaration of Independence: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
People have the Natural and Inherent Right to Self Government as Jefferson stated. Under Natural Law all people have the Natural Rights of Life, Liberty, Property and the Pursuit of Happiness. To secure these Rights is the very Object of Government as stated by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. When governments run amok these rights are trampled as in the Present Case of the Public Health Bureaucratic Response to COVID 19. The World Health Organization clearly lied to protect the Chinese Communist Party MISMANAGEMENT of COVID 19 from Day One of the outbreak which may have been as early as November 2019 or even earlier. With the Implementation of the Faulty and Exaggerated Imperial College Model and its accompanying Uni-Faceted Single Minded Approach to control the virus (Stay At Home & Social Distancing) which obviously has provided some control over the spread of the virus. However, as Eisenhower reminds us: we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite. This Uni-Faceted Single Minded Approach the Imperial College Model has clearly also violated all the Natural Rights of Life, Liberty, Property and the Pursuit of Happiness to a certain Degree. A More Multifaceted Open Minded Approach by both the World Health Organization and our American Public Health Organizations, which have deliberately chose THEIR “PROCESS” BUREAUCRATIC APPROACH OVER A MORE LIBERAL NATURAL RIGHTS ORIENTED AND SCIENTIFIC “RESULTS” BUREAUCRATIC APPROACH, is now NEEDED. The Goal of TRUE STATESMANSHIP is to institute this MORE LIBERAL NATURAL RIGHTS ORIENTED AND SCIENTIFIC “RESULTS” BUREAUCRATIC APPROACH. The main OBJECT OF STATESMANSHIP should be to take this “RESULTS” BUREAUCRATIC APPROACH to insure the LEAST AMOUNT OF DAMAGE TO OUR NATURAL AND INHERENT RIGHTS. This approach even has a Recognized Legal Description – Statesmanship requires that Any Compelling State Interest (as with Public Health and COVID 19) be Implemented in the LEAST INTRUSIVE MANNER AS PERTAINING TO NATURAL AND INHERENT RIGHTS!!!!
Violations of our Natural and Inherent Rights of our Liberty include violations of the Traditional “LAISSEZ FAIRE ET LAISSEZ PASSER” Approach to Right of Liberty – namely to do as one please and go where one wants to without violating the EQUQL NATURAL RIGHTS OF OTHERS. The ECONOMIC DOWN TURN obviously violates the Rights to the use of Property and its accompanying Right of the Pursuit of Happiness. Even the VERY Right to Life is threatened by this Process Bureaucratic Approach as the Economic Down Turn will EVENTUALLY threaten our entire health care system. Also, COLLATERAL DAMAGE DIRECTLY CAUSED by the Economic Down Turn and the Faulty and Exaggerated Imperial College Model and its accompanying Uni-Faceted Single Minded Approach to control the virus (Stay At Home & Social Distancing) LEADS DIRECTLY to more Domestic Violence & Drug and Alcohol Addiction & Depression & Suicides et al. It must be pointed out that any concept of the Natural and Inherent Right to Life MUST INCLUDE an acknowledgment of Natural Death from age and illness and disease – Such is the very Nature of our Existence.
When Science runs Amok, it becomes the Duty and Responsibility of the People to reestablish the proper relationship of Statesmanship over Science Run Amok!!! Science GONE WILD and RUN AMOK is the very thesis of the novel FRANKENSTEIN by Mary Shelley. Have our CDC & FDA & NIH & USPHS conducted themselves on the Bases of a PROCESS BUREAUCRACY OR A RESULTS BUREACRACY???? Doctors and Scientists have become Politicians and Process Bureaucrats while Politicians and Process Bureaucrats and Journalists have become Doctors and Scientists in this COVID 19 Crisis!!! Few are behaving under Statesmanship Principles!!! The PRIME EXAMPLE of this is that of HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE SAVING LIVES WHILE SOME IN THE PROCESS BUREAUCRACY QUESTION WHETHER IT IS SAFE AND EFFECTIVE. SAVING LIVES IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF SAFE AND EFFECTIVE – WHAT OTHER DEFINITION CAN THERE BE???
There has been in recent days more and more criticism of the MODELS used by the CDC FDA and NIH to combat COVID 19. Have these MODELS been based on the Statistical Problem of Garbage In and Garbage Out???? These Models only seem to take into account One Factor – Social Distancing in one form or another!!! There is absolutely no APPARENT CONSIDERATION of influences on COVID 19 as pertaining to 1) Climate or Geography, 2) Herd Immunity, 3) Seasonal Changes, 4) Urban/Rural Differences or 5) Political Distortions. When the Models of the Process Bureaucracy don’t include these other 5 Basic Principles and Factors that clearly affect all viruses – the SEASON INFLUENZA BEING A CLASSIC EXAMPLE - but only include the concept of Social Distancing, then Truly we have let Frankenstein loose and our science has Gong Wild!!!!
There is an old saying that one can lie with Statistics. This is certainly TRUE! One can actually PROVE that the English Language causes CANCER!! Obviously, the English Language does NOT CAUSE cancer. However, Those who speak English tend to live longer and not die of other types of diseases from which people die younger and therefore do not have time to develop cancer. Also, people who speak English may also be more exposed to industrial chemicals that tend to cause cancer. Thus, cancer is not caused by the English Language but by factors that are tied to or correlate to those who do speak English.
Since the MODELS for COVID 19 have been designed with no evidence pertaining to how the virus acts under a variety of conditions or circumstances, therefore, the Models become highly irrelevant and utterly useless. If one designs a Model that says it will kill 2,000,000 people with no factual evidence as to how the virus actually works under a variety of conditions, then one will inevitably be incorrect. Thus was case with several of the Models that were used to describe COVID 19. While the so called Experts were saying that they did not know how the virus was going to act, they were using Models based on No Factual Evidence to predict what the virus was going to do. Many people are beginning to question these Models.
By using Models that are wildly inaccurate, so called Experts can never be WRONG!!! Whatever these EXPERTS say will work because simply because the Models are so wildly wrong and over estimated! The American People are not DUMB. They can see through these inaccurate Models. When Experts take on a ONE TRACK MINDSET to protect themselves from CRITICISM because of their Faulty Models and when Politicians fail as Statesmen, then Frankenstein takes over. Such is the case with the present COVID 19.
The Classical Utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, identified the good with pleasure, so, like Epicurus, were hedonists about value. They also held that we ought to maximize the good, that is, bring about ‘the greatest amount of good for the greatest number’.
Utilitarianism is also distinguished by impartiality and agent-neutrality. Everyone's happiness counts the same. When one maximizes the good, it is the good impartially considered. My good counts for no more than anyone else's good. Further, the reason I have to promote the overall good is the same reason anyone else has to so promote the good. It is not peculiar to me.
This is the Season of Easter and Passover and Spring. One of the Great Concepts of Western Civilization is that of ‘the greatest amount of good for the greatest number’. Easter gives Hope of Eternal Life, Passover gives Hope of Liberation from Oppression and Spring give Hope and Evidence of the Eternal “Cycle of Life” from Birth to Death to Renewed Life! The Principle of Statesmanship MUST Maximize ‘the greatest amount of good for the greatest number’ or else it is a Failure of Western Civilization!!! Economic Collapse will eventually be a greater Catastrophic Problem than the Deaths Caused by COVID 19 as sad and tragic as those Deaths may be for those left behind. We must remember the CLASSIC PRAYER of Saint Francis of Assisi stating that: IT IS IN DYING THAT WE ARE BORN INTO ETERNAL LIFE!!!! President Trump has a CHOICE. He MUST CHOOSE STATESMANSHIP OVER THE FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER OF COVID 19!!! Trump must preserve the Concept within Western Civilization of ‘the greatest amount of good for the greatest number’. Trump must destroy the Process Bureaucracy and replace it with his RESULTS BUREAUCRACY as part of his promise to DRAIN THE SWAMP. In doing so, Trump will only be fulfilling his promise to MAKE AMERIC GREAT AGAIN!!! Western Civilization and our Democratic Republican Constitutional System of Government must be PRESERVED along with its accompanying Economic Prosperity which Prosperity is ESSENTIAL TO ALL NATURAL AND INHERENT RIGHTS!!!
Statesmanship from Trump against the COVID 19 PLAGUE at this point in time will only be following the ADVICE GIVEN BY EISENHOWER: It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system - ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society.”