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RE: CPS Kidnaps Half of All Babies Born to Teen Mothers in Foster Care

in #cps7 years ago

All of this theft of children is appalling. The government keeps overstepping increasingly every year and so many people don’t know about these atrocities. Kicker is then you see parents that shouldn’t be having kids and they do and the kids end up just as screwed up. I know there’s no good way to determine who’s a good parent and who’s not but it’s just a frustrating situation.


Evolving consciousness is the best solution, both to get parents to be better, and to get power removed from these "authorities" :/

@cmplxty The epidemic of deadbeat teenage fathers here in our nation doesn't help the situation either. Young boys are in these relationships with these girls only for the sex; and once a pregnancy comes into the scene, they turn on these girls like betraying angels.

Whoa what an old post and comment lol.
