t that time of being ignorant to what was happening in America, Jennifer thought the woman was crazy, sounding like a "conspiracy theorist", when she told her that the state was taking children from families.
Sadly, this is the mindset of many who would find it unthinkable that this is happening. The valid injuries they may have heard about dismissed as an aberration in an otherwise much needed program, most would think. It is frightening to understand that this is no accident, that those entrusted to protect instead victimize as many as they can with impunity. I am at a point where I am not sure a pen is enough. The agents who are lying and kidnapping, the doctors who are medicating (creating addicts with stunted minds from drugs no child should know), foster homes where abuse is rampant. Judges who rubber stamp after the fact with no due diligence. There are plenty of evil cogs in this whole machine that need exposed and made to feel ashamed (afraid even) to show their faces in public.
Yup. We all co along with the program and conditioning, until we see it for what it is. Recording the reality and getting it out for more to be aware if the necessary things. The pen and elections is all we know how to do for now to make the system change, because it's too big for the non politicians to change. It could change with everyone or a majority aware to make things change, without politicians. but since we aren't at that level of responsibility, we beg ppl with pens to change laws and make things better for our lives...