Interesting project. As mentioned below you can use the porn tag going forward, or erotica. If you want to get a verified content badge just let us know.
Interesting project. As mentioned below you can use the porn tag going forward, or erotica. If you want to get a verified content badge just let us know.
Hi @dporn! I will start using erotica as well, thank you for your help! Since all the content I make is porn or for an adult audience, I think it would be nice to get to be a verified content badge!
Is there anything I can do to help with that?
Sure. In your case since you are doing erotica/art you can just send a picture verification ( to [email protected] ) with you ( no face needed )with a sign that says and the current date. You can just be in the background, or holding it up. We just went recently to video verification here ,but in your case a sign should work fine.