The Crack History of the Universe Book 1 Ch.18 The Permian Period

in #crackhistory6 years ago (edited)

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After the R’lyeh conflict the Carboniferous Period came to an end and a new age dawned for the planet Earth. With Pangaeans on the bottom of the food chain in society in terms of intelligent lifeforms; used merely as slaves and fodder for the more advanced Silurians and the Yithians above them they were beaten and defeated into an atmosphere and great feeling of despair permeating them all…

To make matters worse for the Pangaeans and the mortal world at large though was the fact that Jehovah Elohim’s angels were running rampant across the Earth forcing people to convert to their lord’s religion in an increasing number of incidents that Jehovah Elohim essentially let happen by looking the other way while occasionally punishing the worst and most frequent offenders to keep up the appearance of doing something to alleviate his ‘rogue angels’

This was the backdrop of the Permian Period an era lasting from the year 300’000’000 B.C.E. to 250’000’000 B.C.E. This period was known for the evolutionary milestones of beetles evolving into a comfortable form for their species and in addition to this several diversifications occurred with seed based plants, conifers, temnospondyls, and perycosaurs among several other organisms over the course of this period. All occurring on the new continent: Pangaea.

Of course, the Permian Period was not without its great events that had occurred throughout its existence. One of which being the legendary creation of the Serpent People:

Dawn of the Serpent People

One day the god Yig while he observed the evolution of his chosen species he watched over: the Therapsids he saw an Angel enticing young Silurians who worship Cthulhu to drink the blood of snakes to become immortal and blessed by Cthulhu himself!

Yig himself is enraged by this sight and he appears before the angel and the Silurians and he kills the Angel who defiled his scared species! After Yig slayed the Angel though he turned to the Silurians before him and he saw that they were bowing before him awed at his splendor and size. Yig himself was flattered by this gesture and so he granted each of the Silurians who bowed to him a blessing:

Yig would turn these Silurians into his chosen people: The Serpent People and he declared to them all that he is their creator deity and holy guardian of their people. The Serpent People then swore their loyalty to Yig; their god and they erected a great civilization in secret away from the eyes of the Silurians and the Yithians.

This new society was a secret to all but the very serpent people who resided in it who were privy to the knowledge of its existence and its secret areas and facilities. It was like no other civilization before it as rather than being publically announced to its fellow competitors the Serpent People chose the path of secrecy by going into underground caves and holding secret councils on how their society and goals to please their almighty father Yig should develop and be carried out by them all as a collective species.

How the Serpent People seemed to spread the quickest was among the poorest and most impoverished areas of the Silurian and Yithian cities. By a matter of fact this also included the various slave camps, the ghettos, and the many mining towns that the Pangaean slave populations inhabited.

The Serpent People had believed similar rhetoric from the Silurians and the Yithians that Pangaeans were inferior species made only as a slave race by the Yithians artificially based on fabricated historical accounts of the origin of Pangaeans in the framework of the Yithians religious Cult of Cthulhu and its mythological tales within its holy texts.

How the Serpent People rationalized using and converting Pangaeans to their religious faith was the logic that the Pangaeans curse of inferior physical bodies given to them at their birth and inception should be ‘cured’ and ‘saved’ by the act of biting the Pangaeans and converting them into more Serpent People.

These acts were done either informally on request or instances to keep the masquerade a secret biting a Pangaean, kidnapping him while he turns and then thoroughly religiously brainwashing him to prevent any sort of defection from the Serpent People’s faith. Far more commonly conversions were done in formal and traditional Religious ceremonies which would reenact the sacred creation tale the Serpent People passed down for generations.

The conversion rite would go that the poor subjects who found themselves caught by the Serpent People for a sacred rite would be taken to a great stage underground in chains to be part of the reenactment as the parts of the “First Serpent People ever created.” The rite would then proceed as follows:

In bondage, the subjects would be tortured by a Serpent Person playing the part of the “Great Tormentor” who would whip and mock the subjects with their inferior forms and lord over them with his “superior body.” The tormenting would continue until another Serpent Person would come onto the stage playing the role of “Yig the Deliverer” and he would slay the Great Tormentor with a sacred relic: the “Naja Naja Dagger” and then he would tell the poor subjects that their suffering would be ended and that their deliverance had come onto them and he would begin chanting a mantra to cue the final part of the ritual.

Here was when the actual conversion occurred in the rite as numerous Serpent People of both sexes would rise around the affected and they would begin to massage them to get them to relax before they bit them. The rest of the ceremony is little more than an orgy as the subjects gradually transformed into their new shapes and forms while copulating with their convertors or their fellow subjects in a haze of lust and passion.

Afterwards the new Serpent People would spend time with the one who converted them usually as they learned about the Serpent people and loved their guide as well in the physical and emotional forms. This was ultimately to encourage breeding and the laying of eggs as well on top of traditional conversion. The conversion it can be concluded was a religious rite only to please Yig and not necessary for reproduction but with the tight religious focus the Serpent people had to do one without the other was sacrilege to either the people or their god depending on which of the two reproductive pathways you wanted to go without for the future of the Serpent People’s society.

These rites continued for some time until the Serpent People were ready to rise to the surface with a great nation: Valusia which was founded in the year 275’000’000 B.C.E. Immediately however the Silurians challenged the Valusians claim to divine creation by coming up with a counter hypothesis explaining the Serpent People’s evolution that speculated interbreeding between lower end Silurians from the poor and middle class of their civilization who bred with their own slaves and other Pangaeans thus making a hybridized species of Pangaean-Silurian origins and union.

The Serpent People of Valusia and the Silurians of course vehemently disagreed on this point and did not enjoy the friendliest of relations during this time. Nonetheless now there were three civilizations that could claim to live on the Earth in a Balance of Power between the three of them. This for a time stabilized the Earth’s political scene among three powers who mutually distrusted yet had to work together with one another to survive in tangential alliances between them all.

The Coming of Pyron

Meanwhile in the Galactic Sphere in the year 265’000’000 B.C.E. on the planet Hellstorm a great conqueror had united the species of his planet under his domination and now he turned to the stars to satiate his hunger for other plunder and ‘things of beauty’ to quell a need to consume other worlds and objects to sustain his own existence on the mortal plain.

This conqueror was named Pyron and over the course of a very short campaign he had annihilated 97.30% of all historical and cultural sites of the Ancients of the Galaxy.…

With the Ancients being set for extinction along with the rest of the universe to Pyron’s hunger the Forces of Sentience are unanimously reassembled to combat Pyron and hold him off. The plan of the F.O.S. was essentially to stall Pyron’s advance until a specific invention of the Ancients could be recreated for the modern era and weaponized against Pyron himself.

This weapon was known as the Solar Harvester a device used to extract energy and heat directly from stars to power or create new objects. Its weaponization would simply amount to expanding its storage capacities or reducing the extracted energy from Pyron upon extraction by conversion of the energy into weaker less complex atomic structures.

Ultimately the finalized product was one where while energy was harvested a plasma laser was fired away from the ship out of a port in the ships backend to fire the energy away from the extraction point as fast as possible at a rate that would consume as fast as it extracted.

Pyron’s Defeat

The final assault against Pyron was headed by Omega Supreme, Superior Maximus and the Green Lantern Corps. Who had distracted Pyron with a fight long enough for the Solar Harvester fleet to get into position near Pyron via a Hyperspace jump. The plan went off without a hitch miraculously and in a few short moments before Pyron knew what was going on he was shrunken to the size of an average humanoid as the Solar Harvesters had taken away his godly powers in almost mere seconds.

The fight was not yet over as the Green Lantern Corps were intent on apprehending Pyron and forcing him to stand trial for his crimes against the Universe. What followed was a bloody battle where Pyron despite being weakened by some accounts killed thousands of Green Lanterns and held off the entire corps by himself in some legends about the Battle!

Nonetheless Pyron was still going to lose if he remained and fought the Universe’s last and greatest army ever known! So, he thought to fake his death. Thinking back to a star he neglected to consume because he knew it was towards the end of its ‘lifespan’ and that it was going to collapse into a Black Hole. To this end he uses the last of his strength to travel faster than the speed of light to the new black hole he suspected had formed by now. At the last few moments before he would be caught in its event horizon, the point of no return or escape from the Black Hole, Pyron stops and flies downward to get away from the Black Hole. Pyron would fly ‘down’ in the Galaxy until he was sure the Forces of Sentience were not following him.

The Forces of Sentience meanwhile upon losing contact with their scout ships slow their hyperspace jumps to discover the Black Hole Pyron was flying towards. They reason exactly how Pyron wanted them to. Their conclusions being that Pyron in a desperate bid to stay alive elected to consume a single star. Any star he could find to get his power back up to levels high enough for him to counterattack. He gambled on a supermassive star to give him the energy he needed for a quick burst of energy but he was too late or rather right on time to see the Star’s collapse into a new Black Hole. Pyron himself would have been most assuredly vaporized for being in the Black Hole’s dead center at an atomic level via spagettification.

Assuming Pyron to be dead; annihilated at the atomic level, the Forces of Sentience celebrate convinced of his destruction. The truth however told of a grim future conflict for the Universe to face…After years of wandering and keeping a low profile Pyron came across the planet Earth. Noting its magical energies and unique properties Pyron reasons that this planet could give him the power he needs to strike back against the Forces of Sentience and get his vengeance for his humiliation in the glory of combat.

Pyron descends to the planet like a meteorite to mask himself further and he takes up residence in the Paleo-Tethys Ocean which will eventually become the Atlantic Ocean in the later years of Earth’s history. From his new secret location in the seas themselves Pyron wanders the ocean floor biding his time and awaiting the day when he knows Earth is at its ‘most ripe’ so that he can consume it to enhance his power. Until then Pyron tirelessly trains and explores the sea floor to better his strength and knowledge of the planet until the day where he can eventually consume it and make it a part of his being.

The Era’s Extinction

The final event of this era that definitively ended it happened just before the year 251’400’000 B.C.E. and each species had their own reactions to this great event. The Silurians for one predicted that the extinction would last for millions of years by their scientific estimates and as such they retreated into hibernation bunkers to wait out the extinctions course. Of course, their estimates were greatly overshot as the actual extinction event only last for around 6 million and four hundred thousand years and they assumed it would last for much longer than that thus keeping their society isolated underground in their bunkers…

The Yithians on the other hand were perfectly able to see when the extinction would end thanks to their psychic powers of precognition and sight into the future to see when exactly the extinction event would end and they simply set their hibernation periods for a shorter duration in response to this fact that they knew and believed was more accurate than the Silurians predictions for the extinction events duration.

Left in the dark about the events, were the Serpent People who would experience the first signs and stirrings of the event known as the Permian Mass Extinction as meteors and volcanic eruptions would unleash toxic and fatal gases and warm the climate to extreme temperatures with no moderate grounds! Faced with this great disaster the Serpent People turned to their god Yig to save them from their times of Armageddon and apocalypse!

Yig himself would have mercy on his loyal subjects and he would give them great kindness by allowing them into a kind of pocket heaven after one of their great rituals of conversion where they turned nearly 10’000 Pangaean slaves and other species they had captured for information on how to stop the coming apocalypse and answers for what those other species were doing to avoid it.

It is said that at the climax of the conversion ritual Yig himself appeared in all his spiritual glory and told all serpent people to ascend a great staircase he erected out of the earth and the clouds into the Heavenly Realm he had created for his chosen people! Thus, word spread quickly to come to the hill of the Serpent People’s founding to ascend the ‘path to Heaven’ and many Serpent People would embark on this perilous journey from all walks of life and locations to get to their promised land they had only heard about in tales from their parents and those that raised them from youth or conversion for some.

These Serpent People surpassed great perils and trials from the extreme temperatures and the meteors and lava flows and falls to get to Yig’s pathway and ascend to Heaven in a great pilgrimage to their sacred site! This pilgrimage was so great that even the other gods took notice, and they were not kind on Yig’s mercy to his followers that he showed. With equal parts of jealousy and concern for the law of the Grandfather Clock Treaty the other gods demand Yig to let his Serpent People die on Earth for he is grossly interfering with the peace treaty the gods all agreed upon amongst themselves.

Yig however feeling compassion for his people pleads and then threatens the gods with war over the right to save his people from Armageddon for all gods need prayer to live now. The other gods after heated arguments and debate over this agree to let the Serpent People stay in Heaven temporarily until the extinction ends and not a second longer lest Yig be banished into R’lyeh to share in Cthulhu’s fate. To this deal Yig agreed and the Serpent people were saved!

For all other lifeforms unfortunate enough to be on the planet Earth at this moment in time only misery and death awaited them as countless lifeforms died. And from the Permian Mass Extinction the course of life on Earth was forever altered and thus did the Permian Period and the Paleozoic Era end in one of the biggest catastrophes in history.