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RE: I have some very happy news! I found a job! Noganoo the Cranberry Packer..

in #cranberries8 years ago

Day 1: Picking Up Cranberries
Day 2: Son of manager is privileged
Day 3: You pick up a fight because he is not worth the money. You call his girlfriend a whore and you wish death to his entire gene pool.
Day 4: You make amends and bring a present. He thanks and forgive you.
Day 5: You call him a dickhead because he didn't get you any present. What a fucking dick. You are the true Christian. He is a non believer and he should burn to the pits of hell.
Day 6: He fires you. You start complaining to the workers how unfair the system is. You want to organize a union but no one trusts you anymore.
Day 7: You withdraw from the premises. Cranberries are bullshit anyways.


Hahahahaaha... This is insightful.

Noganoo, make sure it doesn't come close to this. I am sure that those high levels will not help you in acheiving anything, so you should stop using. Work hard and don't complain about anything there.