A glimpse into the mind of FBA.

in #crapitalism7 years ago

As I know that I write these posts as much for the researcher of the future as for the reader of today I need to be as specific in what I am saying as I can be.

The reader of today finds incredulty to be the most common reaction, but the researcher of tomorrow will want to know how I was so prescient in my knowledge of the inevitable.

Robots of tomorrow are gonna replace most of the workers of today.



It's just an economic fact.

The ruling elite have known this for much longer than they let on.

There is no other crapitalistic way to maximize profits than replacing workers with machines, they have been doing it for centuries.

It makes economic sence, robots only call in sick when something wears out, this can be predicted and accounted for, whereas humans get sick randomly.

Robots don't ask for increases in wages, engage in pilfering, or need to take showers.

The crapitalusts know that starving workers burn down gated communities, so they await the opportune moment to release the mousepox and do away with us 'useless eaters'.


The only hope we have of escaping this dystopian future predicted by Huxley, and fleshed out by Blair, is in educating ourselves outside the mainstream of crapitalistic controlled eductation.

That fine education that you think you have been given is really something else entirely.

The incredible amount of humor you find in my insistence that on any given Tuesday we can simply keep working but stop paying for things and life will go on as if crapitalistically craptastic, is there by design.

Your consent has been engineered.

Each of you that reject this idea out of hand is a victim of an ongoing conspiracy to dumb down the population enough that they embrace the idea of their own demise.

Have you taken a selfie, lately?

Does your smart phone give your exact location 24 hours a day?

Your world view has been shrunk, just as your vocabulary has, to insure that you are not capable of thinking outside the box created to contain you.

Just keep laughing, the day is coming.

The drones are being prepared for those that need to go first.



Why do you figure that they haven't released these weapons, yet?

I think it is the good folks inside the halls of power won't let them.

Too many people refuse to push their buttons.

The farther we get away from embracing dissent the closer we are to our own demise.

The odds of revolution in the united snakes is very low.

What is your opinion of the antifa?

Have you bothered to seek out what they actually say, or do you accept the party line of the lamestream press?

Clearly you accept that crapitalism is the best thing since sliced bread.

I haven't gone viral, this is clear evidence that most folks reject what I bring to the conversation.

That wasn't always the case.

At one time debate was open and accepting of dissent.

Now folks just laugh and go back to their flashylight box's entertainment on demand.

I hope you find time to read outside the box.

It has taken me more than a decade of intense study to arrive at my simple maxims.

Many of them I would have rejected when I started, but now know to be the truth.

It may be too late if you don't get started soon.

Join me in rejecting the status quo?

Join me in not being a drone of the crapitalusts.

Have a perfectly peaceful day.

Vote FBA King of the World!

Keep working, stop paying.

No war, but the class war!!


How to win in court!

How to win in court for far less!!


Nice list. I also read Animal Farm. Must have inspired this post:


Revolution won't come from the USA, but from the rest of the world exceeding the limitations of economic exclusion. This will eventually produce an equity drain on the USD and the collapse of the USA will happen from within. This is what happens to empires. They don't fall from invasion, but from the violence that was exported coming home to roost.

The day is coming,....
On any given tuesday the workers can give the little shove that it needs, but they are content as is, mostly.

Its up to those of us with the forbidden knowledge to help them see.
They think what they have is freedom. Smdh.

I concur.

I agree, violence is too ingrained in the masses for most of them to see a peaceful way to freedom.

On any given tuesday all we got to do is keep working but stop paying for anything, as long as the work is done the shelves are full irregardless that the crapitalusts didnt get their billions.

I quit 5 yeas ago, I am 1800 miles from home, 4 countries over, I did it, you did it, everyone needs to do it, stick the passport in the bin also, like "I did"

Yeah, I am a wetback, but it means I can only travel south as going north has checkpoints looking for folks without papers.

I hope to get it straight when my carnival friends come to town in May.

I only get away with it here, as the Polish have id cards, and they look very similar to UK driving licences, so I just show that to the law or any so called authorities and they take it. :-)

That is some good rebeling!

Im here and planning on using the marcratic method if given the chance. @marcstevens

This scenario is very likely; inciting a revolution 'and' civil war here at the 'same' time...unfortunately.

I agree, violence is too ingrained in the masses for most of them to see a peaceful way to freedom.

On any given tuesday all we got to do is keep working but stop paying for anything, as long as the work is done the shelves are full irregardless that the crapitalusts didnt get their billions.

Found this, re(?)posting.

I am not a victim nor in consent, I do not exist any more, everyone can cop out if they want, just most do not want to. Most people live in cities, and seem to enjoy ever decreasing freedom, pfft out in the fields I go, bye strange world, get back to me when you all wake up. Glad to see you have some internet again bro.

Even better, in a day or two i got unlimited for 20usd a month.

you okay for money bro? let me know if it gets tight.

I might have to take you up on that, but in time, I have 10 years before my check kicks in.

Nice post FreeBorn...and I thought you said that you "retired"...??? It's hard knowing the truth and 'not' attempt to pass it along. Many shall suffer as a result of resisting knowledge, rather than resisting the evil shadow masters. (kind of one in the same?)

Don't go completely silent...your voice is an important one. I was just recently accused of being 'crazy' by the one person I least expected it from...quite silencing to me...but, mostly saddening.

My reclusive ways have been given another nod of approval...the woodlands are beckoning quite earnestly.

Regards, Angrman...Safe journeying.

No worries on me retiring, i do like getting the last word.
Only if i get locked up or kidnapped will i not make it back.

Getting labeled crazy is a badge of honor when living in a maladjusted world.
Its why i stick to my axiom, keep working stop paying, as crazy as it sounds this is about the only way out of bondage to the wealthy.
No other solutions i have seen keep the poor from doing all the dirty work.
I will detail more in a coming post.

Thanks for the reminder; "crazy is a badge of honor"
By the way...regarding your postings...Are you at all familiar with 'Technocracy' ? Link to Patrick M. Wood's book

Not yet, but i will give it a look.