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RE: The Creation Story...

in #creation7 years ago

we have the energy to creative... Why can't we be so creative?
The talk of creativity is usually accompanied by great achievements, artistic, scientific, mathematical or cultural. This idea is rooted in a large class of society, the idea that creativity is a superpower that only some people have, not something that acquires or grows by working.this is the biggest fallacy that we continue to make it in our mind and the greatest obstacles to our movements. When we believe that creativity is a unique power for an "unnatural" person, so we have built a towering wall between our abilities and creativity.I think --my personal opinion--in order to begin, we must not make the creativity a difficult thing and change our misconceptions about it.
we must use creativity through our activity and our words in daily lives



One key distinction to provide clarity on the answers to your questions might be that there are numerous forms which creativity may be expressed - though no matter which, the effective expression requires skill development.

Pretty much everyone might possess the potential to create - however, that potential needs to be activated - which often comes only through the commitment to and execution of practice & cultivation of skill sets.

Whether music, writing, painting, business, standup comedy, dance, interpersonal counseling, diplomatic negotiations, etc - any activity, even if a person possesses a certain amount of natural talent or inclinations, requires time to be invested in growing the neural architecture to master the activity.

This piece doesn’t always come quickly or easily. And thus, likely why many fail to step up their responsibility and resort to destructive creation by default...

And thank you. This post is EVERYTHING!I totally agree with you @rok-sivante. I mean, if you could be anything, why not choose to be any way best befitting? This isn't something i just got to understand, i have made a decision a long time. I would always, as much as i can, channel my energy to positive things. Because we always have a choice, but if only we decide to choose right...Some people get so destructive and violent that it beats my imagination how it could even be possible. I mean, it is high time we got to realise we were all born with potentials for creativity for positive and moral impacts. We have to pay attention to ourselves and recognise that inclination or talent, and then invest in it's actualization. Other than being a trouble maker, please channel that beautiful energy to something rewarding. It is always best to choose right...if not for now, for the future.

yes, @rok-sivante it is not easy but It is not difficult also. It just needs to get used to creativity.... and knowledge of the energy inherent in us.