Seventh Creative-Steem challenge

O.M.G. am I Up To It?
I am all about art, photography and filters.

I Use my phone all the time with these many free apps.
After all, I love taking pictrures and modifying them.

I'm an artist that has to learn my craft all over because of an illness
and what a great place to do it . . . on steemit.
It's my 1st contest, so, here I go. 1 - 2 - 3
I hope you enjoy what I created for @creativesteem

Here is the original that is to be changed.


Here is mine that I've changed.

I used online editor Pic Monkey (Texture was Brick and Dark Edges.)
NOW get creative and you try it.

Please support this work if you like what you see.


I do enjoy seeing creative works from you! Have a wonderful day.

I really like how the bricks transformed the image in such a lovely way!

I hope you will try it.
I am the 1st one to enter the contest.
Don't know what I'm doing.
Just, have fun discovering what works.
Did a whole bunch of them. Here is 1 of them.

I've got so many blogs I'm behind on getting out. I just don't have the time right now.

OK I understand.

Hello, i love the post. I hope your illness isnt too serious?!?

Very inspired!

I quicky made this on lunacpic, after changing/adding the colour on chroma lab. Hope you like it... @mikepedro

lmike pedro.jpg

THIS IS GREAT hope you entered it!
giphy (1).gif

Looks Great! :)

Thank you so much for participating! <3

You have been showcased in the Creative-Steem: Photo Editing Contest #07 - Showcase & Winner post!